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i think the image that the HongKong website used isn't up to date, they used the wrong image.
(02-Sep-2017, 05:21)PeppaPig Wrote: [ -> ]i think the image that the HongKong website used isn't up to date, they used the wrong image.

Is there anything specific that you noticed that makes you think that?  Obviously we do not know the exact provenance of the picture, we do not know exactly where the image came from, but one thing is clear, this is a reasonably recent picture.

As an example, if you look at the pictures in the thread per link below, you can see that almost all the boards are designated rev5, rev5.05, and similar.  We do know the provenance of this unit, it is a production D200.

Most of the boards in the HK website pictures are designated 6.02 or similar, fully consistent with the Pro ADH being designated V6.

What does interest me most is that the upper boards of the ADH do show some variety, both visually and in designation.  Per the Devialet white paper for the Pro, the pictures designated DAMP Expert Pro looks exactly like the one in the 1000 Pro pictures earlier in this thread, but are designated 6.00/6L. (Antoine's production unit is designated 6.01/6L)  The DAMP Expert Le 800 board in the white paper is Designated DAMP rev5.4, but it does visually look very similar to the rev6.022/4L designated board in the 220Pro HK pictures.  By contrast, the power supply, and indeed almost everything else that can be seen appears to be identical in the HK pictures when compared to the picture of Antoine's production 250Pro.

Speculating, my theory is that the difference between the DAMP boards seen in the pictures relates to the cooling requirements.  The 1000 Pro boards have copper across their entire surface, and the amps themselves have a solid copper base.  Both the current 220Pro and the 'old' Expert 250/800 do not have the solid copper base, so perhaps need a DAMP board design with a lower copper surface area.  Makes some sense I think, but as I said, this last point is speculation from myself.  One thing that is certain, the HK pictures show a DAMP board designated 6.022/4L, a designation that starts with 6.  Nothing before the O'dA had a 6 designation as far as can be seen in any available images.
(02-Sep-2017, 10:13)Confused Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-Sep-2017, 05:21)PeppaPig Wrote: [ -> ]i think the image that the HongKong website used isn't up to date, they used the wrong image.

Is there anything specific that you noticed that makes you think that?

Another photo from the full article has D-Premier in it (see bottom of photo) - that can't be right  Undecided

(02-Sep-2017, 14:39)Celts88 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-Sep-2017, 10:13)Confused Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-Sep-2017, 05:21)PeppaPig Wrote: [ -> ]i think the image that the HongKong website used isn't up to date, they used the wrong image.

Is there anything specific that you noticed that makes you think that?

Another photo from the full article has D-Premier in it (see bottom of photo) - that can't be right  Undecided
Good spot Celts!  Although checking this one through, it looks like it is indeed right. Confused

Looking closely at the picture Antoine took of his 2016 250 Pro, it appears to have exactly the same 'D-Premier' Rev5 designated board.  However, this is the Wi-Fi add on board for the DUET (AIR Ethernet streaming) board.  So it looks as if these are the only Rev5 designated items left in the Pro models.  For now at least, because these are the very same boards that will be replaced with the new Devialet OS Core Inteligence streamer board.  The snapshot below is taken from Antoine's 250Pro:


EDIT:  Thinking about it, we have not seen much of Antoine recently.  Maybe his system is sounding so good he is just simply enjoying listing to it these days! Shy  Anyway, if you are ever checking in Antoine, thanks for your photograph, it has proven to be extremely useful!
Continuing with the theme of this thread, I found some interesting pictures of the "other" side of the ADH board.  The top picture is from a 250 Pro, the lower picture from a 140 pro.  They are very similar, but there are some subtle differences.  I have no idea of the significance of the differences, can anyone else work it out?

Unfortunately I cannot find any equivalent pictures from a 220 Pro.


It looks as though the PCBs are identical, or nearly so, but the 140 is de-populated compared to the 250.

The 28 black, squarish parts along the bottom edge of the 250's ADH board are (I think) each 4.7 μH inductors.  These might be part of the class-D amplifier output, perhaps acting as a low-pass filter to convert the digital PWM output into analog.

The 140 seems to have fewer inductors (either 10 or 20 depending on what's inside the blue/grey packages), no doubt doing a similar job but catering for a lower output current.  I can't read the part numbers to see what value the inductors have or how many there are per package.
Devialet once shared in a whitepaper or press release that the class D output stage for the 140 is indeed ‘downsized’ compared to their other Expert models. I’ve tried some Google-fu to find the details but couldn’t find them but Ian is spot on if I remember correctly (less inductors since it’s a lower gain the class D output stage has to be able to produce).
I dug up this thread from 2017 that refers to a patent application for the ADH technology in the Expert Pro.  The patent application includes this outline schematic for the ADH circuit:


The PCB we're looking at corresponds to two instances (one per stereo channel) of what's inside the box labelled 19 in the diagram.  It seems reasonable to infer that:
  • the drivers 21A-D are the blocks along the top of the PCB each having an IC and a couple of transistors(?)
  • the auto-transformers 25A-C are the large square black components each with 12 leads
  • the inductors 32A-B are the small square black components (blue/grey on the 140) along the bottom of the PCB
like so:


I'd be tempted to guess that the remaining pairs of inductors on the 250 ADH board might be 44A, which is part of the new damping network introduced with the Pro ADH upgrade, but that doesn't make sense because they're missing from the 140 Pro board.  That being the case, maybe these inductors are also part of 32A-B and 44A is elsewhere for both the 250 and 140.
(30-Aug-2019, 13:51)thumb5 Wrote: [ -> ]It looks as though the PCBs are identical, or nearly so, but the 140 is de-populated compared to the 250.

The 28 black, squarish parts along the bottom edge of the 250's ADH board are (I think) each 4.7 μH inductors.  These might be part of the class-D amplifier output, perhaps acting as a low-pass filter to convert the digital PWM output into analog.

The 140 seems to have fewer inductors (either 10 or 20 depending on what's inside the blue/grey packages), no doubt doing a similar job but catering for a lower output current.  I can't read the part numbers to see what value the inductors have or how many there are per package.

These are some links to the original pictures, they are slightly clearer when compared the pictures attached in this thread, which lose a little resolution.  It is possible to read to part numbers on the 250 / 1000 Pro pictures, not so much for the 140 Pro pictures.

EDIT:  If you scroll to the end of the article there are some much higher resolution photographs, click on these and the component part numbers are fully legible.

Thanks @Confused.  That confirms what I'd seen before, and shows some legible markings for the inductors on the 140 Pro ADH board: namely WE 150 1704.  I'm pretty sure they're 15 μH inductors made by Wurth Elektronik like the ones on the 250 (the "1704" part is probably a date code, I guess).

Because the 140 output carries lower current, these parts have higher inductance for the same physical size than the ones on the 250, so you only need about one third the number (that is, 5 vs 14 per channel) to make up roughly the same total inductance.
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