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Full Version: Thinking about the switch from tubes to a Devialet...
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Ok, so I've slowly been migrating from an all-tube set-up to more of a ss rig. I've got a tubed preamp and phono stage (EAR 868) mated to a First Watt J2, driving some Gallo Strada2s with a REL 218 sub in a small office rig (quasi near-field set-up). I've got a highly tweaked SL1200 with an Origin Live arm, Paul Hynes psu, Funk Firm platter and mat, Mike New bearing, and Lyra Delos cartridge. At first glance the tt would appear to be the weak link, but it's not. I'm running an Auralic Vega dac.

I LOVE the simplicity of the Devialet, but I'm worried about eliminating tubes entirely from my rig, as well as the lack of DSD. Lately, I've been listening to Tidal just about all day. The 2000 would also make it quite easy to digitize my vinyl.

I've demo'd the Devialet in another rig and it was just that a demo. I thought it sounded very good, but was worried about how it might sound after listening to it for abt 6 hours a day every day. Given how much I listen to my rig while working, tube wear is a concern. However the bigger hassle is the 1 hour or so it takes to get my pre-amp sounding good. That's also an interesting part of the Devialet. Putting it into stand-by mode and being able to power it up and listen to music quickly and, presumably, near its peak ability

I'm worried about losing the elasticity, palpability and soundstage of a good tubed rig.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
This will be a very interesting thread! I have just sold all my gear (mostly tubed) and am looking to possibly start off new with a Devialet 120.
I have identical sound quality concerns; I've heard the Dev a couple times at my dealer and it sounded great... but will I miss the effects of tubes? Hopefully the replies to this will be from people that are actually familiar with tube gear and the Dev.
Previously i was using Audio Research Ref 3/Ref110 combo

To me the devialet is much better - i had no hesitation to swapping out the ARC gear (which i really enjoyed) - you can read my mini review my local forum post#19 in,20230.15.html

The internal phono stage was more than good enough for me to sell a ARC Ref2 phono stage to fund the devialet D premier upgrade

Still my view is no matter what i or anybody else says on the forum - listen and decide for yourself

what i can say is that i listen to more music now than i have ever before
Can't agree more with the suggestion to listen for yourself but i'm also coming over from Shindo "tube magic". I had a Massetto/Cortese combo which arguably was the sweet spot in the lineup and feel like i'm missing nothing and gaining in some areas with the Dev. I have't even gotten my upgraded D-Premier back with SAM for my speakers so i'm ready to be impressed even more.
I was using a World Audio WD88 valve power amp and a home built very high spec Cathode follower pre amp. Tried the Dev 200 and was blown away by the clarity and @realness@ of the sound using my old speakers. Had a home trial with Magico S1's and had my mates who are all serious valve heads round for a listen.

One is now thinking of binning all his valve gear and getting a Devialet 120/200 and if you knew how little he likes to spend money you would know what a revelation that is. The others are also shocked at the sound and even though a little worried by my initial decision to swap to the Devialet are convinced that this was the correct decision.

Hope this helps in some way.

Thanks. I had the Monbrison/Cortese with Avantgarde Duos when I lived in a large loft. This is very encouraging. I think I'll give the Devialet 200 a try.

(08-Dec-2014, 08:04)adhesiv Wrote: [ -> ]Can't agree more with the suggestion to listen for yourself but i'm also coming over from Shindo "tube magic". I had a Massetto/Cortese combo which arguably was the sweet spot in the lineup and feel like i'm missing nothing and gaining in some areas with the Dev. I have't even gotten my upgraded D-Premier back with SAM for my speakers so i'm ready to be impressed even more.

Thanks everyone. I'm going to give it a go with the 200 and will report back.
I think that, AFAIK, I am the only Gallo Strada 2 user in the forum! I am using it with a Devialet 200, and with cabling and supports fro Mapleshade. Extremely satisfied! Probably the best sound ever - and I have been using tubes also. You may lose a little bit of magic, but you get clarity that cannot be compared.

I beg you a favour: please vote for the Stradas in the "Vote for SAM" initiative, in the Devialet website. The stradas are quite anemic from 200 down to 60 hz, and they would enjoy reinforcement and bass alignment in that area - just what SAM does. With it, they would not need the near-the-floor alignment of mapleshade, and you could play the subwoofer from much lower, getting much better integration.
You will have the ability to play DSD within a few months, I can guarantee that.
(09-Dec-2014, 06:02)Ekmanc Wrote: [ -> ]You will have the ability to play DSD within a few months, I can guarantee that.

Not that you will want DSD. You'll want MQA by Meridian... the latest and greatest!
I'll definitely give the Stradas a SAM vote. They're absolutely killer near-field monitors and I quite agree about the bass.

(09-Dec-2014, 00:56)Divasson Wrote: [ -> ]I think that, AFAIK, I am the only Gallo Strada 2 user in the forum! I am using it with a Devialet 200, and with cabling and supports fro Mapleshade. Extremely satisfied! Probably the best sound ever - and I have been using tubes also. You may lose a little bit of magic, but you get clarity that cannot be compared.

I beg you a favour: please vote for the Stradas in the "Vote for SAM" initiative, in the Devialet website. The stradas are quite anemic from 200 down to 60 hz, and they would enjoy reinforcement and bass alignment in that area - just what SAM does. With it, they would not need the near-the-floor alignment of mapleshade, and you could play the subwoofer from much lower, getting much better integration.
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