(25-Dec-2024, 19:23)ThomasD Wrote: [ -> ]It is not possible to connect an ethernet cable from router to Devialet ?
I'm not sure whether you're asking a question, or stating a fact...but in general it is possible to connect the Devialet to a router by Ethernet, provided the Ethernet interface is enabled in the configurator. Normally you should set Advanced Settings->DHCP to "on" and leave the other settings alone. That would definitely be a good thing to try if you're finding wi-fi is not giving you reliable streaming - unless you meant that it's not physically possible in your set-up. If that's the case, it's at least worth using a long-enough Ethernet cable temporarily to see whether it helps to resolve the problem.
(25-Dec-2024, 19:23)ThomasD Wrote: [ -> ]I tried to connect an ethernet cable from Mac to Expert but that did not work(seems very complicated for a normal user).
It can be made to work, but it isn't the default and needs a bit of configuration. The reason is that both the Devialet and the Mac need to have Internet Protocol (IP) addresses associated with the connected network interfaces. Normally the router would assign IP adresses for both the Mac and the Devialet, but if they are connected by a point-to-point wired network, the connected network interfaces won't get IP addresses from the router. Instead you would need to assign them by hand. That can be done using the System Settings on the Mac, and in the configurator for the Devialet. You'll need to choose IP addresses which are not going to "collide" with anything on your home network (technically, they need to be on a different subnet). Usually home routers use IP addresses starting with 192 (like, for example), so if you choose IP addresses that start with a number other than 192 (and avoid 0, or 224 or higher) you should be OK; try for the Mac and for the Devialet, for example.
(25-Dec-2024, 19:23)ThomasD Wrote: [ -> ]What can I do to improve conditions? Change settings in Roon?
Are you streaming standard CD resolution, or high-resolution files? If you're having problems with high-res, certainly try streaming standard 44.1 kHz/16-bit files first, and once that's working try higher-resolution if you can.
In any case: before tinkering with Roon's configuration, I'd recommend wiring both the Mac and the Devialet to the router, at least to expierment to see whether that improves things. I'm assuming the router has at least two free Ethernet ports; if not, you might want to buy a small Ethernet switch - a simple 4-port, unmanaged switch should be fine. If the fully-wired configuration works OK, you can then try running either the Devialet or the Mac wireless to see which wireless link is causing the problem. (My money is on the Devialet.) Adding a wireless extender/repeater close to the Devialet or Mac - whichever has the weaker wireless link - might help.
(25-Dec-2024, 19:23)ThomasD Wrote: [ -> ]Does the music stream from the router to the Expert or via Mac to Expert? Can I not stream Qobuz from Mac to Devialet by Ethernet cable?
The music is carried as data in network packets which go from the Mac via the router to the Devialet, so both must have a reliable network connection. Yes, you can stream via wired Ethernet; as noted above, the easiest way to do this is to wire both the Devialet and Mac separately to the router.
(25-Dec-2024, 19:23)ThomasD Wrote: [ -> ]Thankfull for advice
I hope that's been helpful, and maybe given you some things to experiment with. Let us know how you get on - and good luck!