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Apple music Hi-Res
Following couple threads talking about this, but always end up more confused.
So the idea was to buy the dragonfly to be able to play Apple Music in hi res, 
1. Do i really need one of this? I mean a DAC
2. If yes, what would be the best pick? I see different kinds of dragonfly or what is a good suggestion 
3. If no, what do i need to play Apple Music hi res? And what would be the best choice?
Thank you!! Have a great day
I don't use MAC so I'm on thin ice here. If the Apple Music app can play to USB your best bet would be a USB to TOSLINK SPDIF adapter. This way you'll keep the signal digital instead of an extra DA-AD conversion.
Roon, ROCK/Audiolense XO/Music on NAS/EtherRegen/RoPieee/USPCB/ISORegen/USPCB/Sound Devices USBPre2/Tannoy GOLD 8
250 Pro CI, MicroRendu(1.4), Mutec MC-3+USB
(20-Jan-2022, 23:00)Juanbk Wrote: Hello!
Following couple threads talking about this, but always end up more confused.
So the idea was to buy the dragonfly to be able to play Apple Music in hi res, 
1. Do i really need one of this? I mean a DAC
2. If yes, what would be the best pick? I see different kinds of dragonfly or what is a good suggestion 
3. If no, what do i need to play Apple Music hi res? And what would be the best choice?
Thank you!! Have a great day
Check this:
From a Macbook Pro you can play native Apple music files up to 24/96  to a Phantom I or II, via an optical cable or airplay 2 (there is some debate about which file format is sent by airplay 2 to the phantom's DAC, but I have not noticed any degradation in sound when playing Hires through airplay 2 versus the optical out cable on my Macbook Pro 2015).
On other Mac computers or IOS devices you are limited to 24/48 unless your external DAC supports higher sample rates, which is the case of the Phantom's DAC.
You have to enable "ALAC up to 24/192" in the audio quality preference menu for wifi streaming in Apple Music to stream sample rates higher  than 24/48. A music file available at 24/96 will be sent to  your phantom DAC, which downsamples it to 24/48 before converting it to analog. 
However, I have noticed that when using airplay 2  if you choose "ALAC up to 24/192" in the streaming audio preference menu of Apple Music, a good 24/96 or 24/48 file will sound better than if you select "ALAC up to 24/48",  even though the Phantom DAC is supposed to downsample it to 24/48 before playing it.
2 phantom Gold
2 phantom Reactor
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