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List Your Speakers and Devialet Model Here
(06-Sep-2014, 09:55)Atomjohan Wrote:
(29-Aug-2014, 15:19)Pim van Vliet Wrote:
(05-Aug-2014, 10:07)Atomjohan Wrote: Hi all!

Devialet 200
Focal Diablo

Nordost Vishnu PC
Audioquest Volcano SC

Hi AtomJohan,

I also have a 200 and am very interested in the Diablos. Devialet had Diablos at a show with a 400 which makes me think a 200 might not be powerful enough? What's your thought on this? I'm planning to run them in a small room.


Hi Pim!

Sorry for late reply!

I have tried my Diablos with 4 amplifiers in the order as listed:

1: Moon i3.3

This was just when I had sold my old PL-100 speakers. The Moon had 2x100 watts and didn´t (as expected) have the power to drive the Diablos. This was
most noticeable by the lack of bass (there was almost no base at all). Details lacked also. Also used the internal DAC of the i3.3 which is OK for the price, but not near the Primare DAC 30 which i used with the Plinius and Karan.

2: Plinius Hautonga

Now this is one great amplifier! The moment I turned up the volume (just a little bit) you could hear that this one had the muscles.Both bass and details already at very low volumes. Cranking the volume up and it made the Diablos sing. Very impressive tight bass (a moderate amount of it also) and good detail (not great though). Good air around the instruments and pretty neutral with a small touch of warmth. The specs says 2x200 watt though it felt like it had more power.

3: Karan i180

Now I tried this just to get a reference to the Plinius and because I had heard som great things about the i180 and Diablo. Was I little bit disappointed when I tried it though: Bass was softer and not as fast, details wasn´t quite there either. Think this amplifier was even more on the warmer scale and this didn´t appeal to me.

4: Devialet

I was VERY skeptical when I took this home for a weekends tryout. Though my dealer had raved about it, I suspected this would be all about the looks.
I was wrong, but I won´t say that the Devialet outclassed the Plinius. They are two different kinds of amplifiers. The Devialet is in my book very neutral. The bass is great, tight and fast and you even get a bit more of it (especially with SAM), the details are great. I think it looses a little bit of air and atmosphere compared to the Plinius (not much tough). An example is Leonard Cohens voice which I thinks looses a bit (just a bit though) of "body" and character with the Devialet. But I can´t say which one that presents his voice in the most accurate way. But with music like Infected Mushrooms etc the Devialet is really great! Superb control and great bass, and you can really crank it up and it just keeps coming!

The choice wasn´t easy between the two, but the Devialets WAF (and mostly me loving just one small box) and great bass and details made me buy it. But I most say I miss the Plinius atmosphere and air especially in music with great vocals. I suspect though that my Devialet has more to give as I haven´t had the time to play it that much yet. I´m using an old SB Touch (modded) as transporter and I think theres an upgrade to do in that area too.

So to your question about a 400, I have certainly thought about trying out another 200 and go dual mono. It feels like the power is there in my single 200 but maybe that bit of atmosphere gets there with dual mono!?
And maybe the muscles that the Plinius had at low volumes, will get there with dual mono. I will speak to my dealer soon and have a tryout I think.

So for the combo Devialet and Diablo I think is very neutral. Nor the Devialet nor the Diablos add character, the music just gets presented in a very detailed and controlled way.

My room is about 6x4 meter and I thinks this fits the Diablos nicely.

Hope this helps you a bit!



Wow Johan,

That's a reply and a half! Thanks for that.

When I bought my (at the time) 170 I thought it would have enough power to run two way speakers but I never really looked into the quite low efficiency of two ways. I'm glad I've got a 200 now and hope it will be enough. I will try before I buy though.
If you haven't used your 200 for long yet I think you will be surprised about how much better it still gets. I work away from home and therefore it's hard to get a grasp on when it was that I thought it sounded more open but it did happen after a few months. (Or it's because at work I listen to computer speakers and when I get home the 200 just sounds so much better than at work that I think it has improved) Either way I'm very happy with it!


                                                    Lifetime Roon, Mac mini, int. SSD, ext. HDD, tv as monitor, key board and track pad on bean bag as remote,Devialet 200, Od'A #097, Blue jeans speaker cable,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                            Dynaudio C1 MkII.
                                                                                                                                                                              Jim Smith's GBS.
                                                                                                                                                                        Northern NSW Australia.

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RE: List Your Speakers and Devialet Model Here - by Pim - 08-Sep-2014, 09:48
RE: List Your Speakers and Devialet Model Here - by MIKE - 10-Feb-2018, 16:25

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