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Ethernet streaming and occasional white noise on Windows
Does anyone still encounter (with Firmware 7.1 and AIR 2.1.2) occasional bursts of white noise when streaming over the Ethernet, on Windows 7. (I think this issue was always limited to AIR on Windows. It was supposed to be fixed or greatly improved with the latest version of Firmware and AIR).
I experienced this twice in 5 weeks. First, with the 192/24 format, but then with 44/16 as well (where it was not a deafening burst of noise, but rather loud hissing with music still discernible in the background). If you're a Windows user, Please let me know:
1) if it ever happens to you
2) what your usage pattern is:
a) do usually you put Windows to sleep, or shut it down?
b) do you restart AIR prior to listening, or always keep it on?
c) Do you use JRiver or FooBar? Are you using WASAPI EVENT or WASAPI PUSH (Not sure about JRiver, but Foobar gives you two options for WASAPI)?
d) Are you using a direct Ethernet connection between the computer and Devialet, or via the router? What are your AIR buffer length and max recall settings?
Much appreciated!
JRiver MC20 --> Devialet 250 Expert Pro --> KEF Blades II

Messages In This Thread
Ethernet streaming and occasional white noise on Windows - by AlexS - 22-Jun-2014, 18:27
Chasing AIR's flaws - by Mohmm - 26-Apr-2015, 12:58

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