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Devialet's newest technology...?
(28-Dec-2014, 01:26)Confused Wrote: I think many of us have been hooked by the hype, I can't wait for some decent reviews or a proper audition myself. Will be May before the dealers have them, so best to forget about for a while and enjoy our "expert" systems?

The "hype" is surely down to J B Stanton, the U.S. Advertising and Marketing agency who were appointed by Devialet in January 2014. This organisation is responsible for " brand building, marketing and PR" for Devialet. Such an appointment reflects Devialet's significant aspirations in markets worldwide and may well have been on the instigation of their financial backers. I am hoping that the original team responsible for the technical innovation and forward thinking can stay together. The developments of this company so far have really shaken up the HiFi world, which had become almost stagnant in terms of ideas in recent years! I cannot wait to hear the Phantom but until then I will continue to enjoy my D200.
(28-Dec-2014, 17:49)Harry. Wrote:
(28-Dec-2014, 01:26)Confused Wrote: I think many of us have been hooked by the hype, I can't wait for some decent reviews or a proper audition myself. Will be May before the dealers have them, so best to forget about for a while and enjoy our "expert" systems?

The "hype" is surely down to J B Stanton, the U.S. Advertising and Marketing agency who were appointed by Devialet in January 2014. This organisation is responsible for " brand building, marketing and PR" for Devialet. Such an appointment reflects Devialet's significant aspirations in markets worldwide and may well have been on the instigation of their financial backers. I am hoping that the original team responsible for the technical innovation and forward thinking can stay together. The developments of this company so far have really shaken up the HiFi world, which had become almost stagnant in terms of ideas in recent years! I cannot wait to hear the Phantom but until then I will continue to enjoy my D200.

IMO the hype and sensationalisation of the web site started happening following a large cash injection from an investor from the luxury goods market. I can only assume that this method of marketing works when selling luxury items with a famous brand name and 3000% markup...

I feared they may be trying to appeal to brand junkies when I got 2 shirts with Devialet written on them with my D-Premier updates.

I am used to being paid to wear brand names on my clothes and wouldn't dream of advertising their product for free, I'm afraid. Shirts in recycling bin.

(28-Dec-2014, 04:18)Music or sound Wrote: I understand the princles of digital noise reduction and it could applied here. But what there is also some 300Hz signal even not in phase to the other signal. That correction of the first signal would distort the second one. One other problem is a time delay between primary signal and secondary distortion. Of course one can model that but eventually it would lead to infite complexity. I am courious to listen to one of these Phantoms!

It seems you may not understand the maths.
Devialet Original d'Atelier 44 Core, Job Pre/225, Goldmund PH2, Goldmund Reference/T3f /Ortofon A90, Goldmund Mimesis 36+ & Chord Blu, iMac/Air, Lynx Theta, Tune Audio Anima, Goldmund Epilog 1&2, REL Studio. Dialog, Silver Phantoms, Branch stands, copper cables (mainly).

Here is a 26 December note (in French) from Devialet to its French distributors indicating that DIALOG will be available by end of March in France and PHANTOM will be available after the Munich hi-end show in May. This may have been published here before but I have been offline for a few weeks due to the holidays.

Cher Partenaire,

Comme vous le savez, Devialet a lancé mardi dernier deux nouveaux produits, DIALOG et PHANTOM. Ces produits vont nous permettre de nous attaquer à un nouveau marché en plein essor, celui des systèmes Hi-Fi sans fil. Vous trouverez ci-dessous plus d’informations sur ces offres et leur déploiement.

DIALOG, le coeur de l’eco-système Devialet

DIALOG est au coeur de l’éco-système Devialet. C'est est un routeur audio intelligent ultra-puissant qui se connecte à votre box internet et vous permet d’accéder à votre musique, de la jouer sur tous les appareils Devialet connectés au réseau et ce, sans aucun ordinateur. DIALOG crée son propre réseau haute-résolution dédié à la musique, en combinant 3 réseaux Wi-Fi dual-band à un réseau CPL de dernière génération; il est raccordable en USB aux amplificateurs Devialet actuels

PHANTOM, le premier Implosive Sound Center

PHANTOM représente une nouvelle catégorie de produit audio combinant l’excellence électronique et l'acoustique de systèmes 10 à 30 fois plus gros dans un produit accessible, compact, et modulaire:
- utilisé en Solo, il constitue le produit idéal pour une pièce secondaire ou un client 'lifestyle'
- deux PHANTOMs constituent grâce à DIALOG un système stéréo aux qualités de restitution hors normes
- DIALOG permet d’utiliser jusqu'à 24 PHANTOMs, ce qui en fait la solution multi-room haut de gamme que tout le monde attendait

Comme tous les produits Devialet, PHANTOM et DIALOG sont des produits à très forte densité technologique, entièrement fabriqués en France.

Disponibilité pour les revendeurs Devialet

En tant que revendeur High-End, vous comptez parmi nos partenaires clés, et êtes les mieux placés pour vendre nos produits et promouvoir un éco-système Devialet complet incluant nos amplificateurs haut de gamme ainsi qu’un produit lifestyle comme PHANTOM.

Vous l’avez sans doute constaté, depuis son lancement, PHANTOM a permis de drainer une nouvelle clientèle dans vos magasins.
Bien sûr, nous aimerions rendre ce produit disponible pour tous nos circuits de distribution immédiatement, mais nous ne sommes pas en mesure de le faire. PHANTOM représente une prouesse technologique sans précédent, et nous devons rester prudents sur sa commercialisation.

La disponibilité au sein de notre réseau High-End sera planifiée pays par pays, suivant l'accélération de la production :
- DIALOG devrait être disponible au cours du premier trimestre 2015
- PHANTOM sera quant à lui disponible après le High End Munich Show en mai 2015

Si nos clients souhaitent acquérir PHANTOM, la seule solution qui s’offre à eux pour l’instant est de le pré-commander directement auprès de notre site internet (Union Européenne seulement pour l’instant).

Nous comprenons et nous réjouissons que vous soyez impatients de pouvoir vendre vous-même DIALOG et PHANTOM, et mettons tout en oeuvre pour pouvoir vous les fournir très rapidement. Toutefois, aujourd’hui vous n’êtes pas encore revendeurs de ces produits; nous vous demandons donc expressément à ce stade de ne pas prendre de pré-commande pour DIALOG ou PHANTOM - en effet, une attente de plusieurs mois pourrait engendrer chez nos clients une frustration contre-productive.

D’ici-là, vous pouvez d’ores et déjà profiter de l’affluence de ces nouveaux clients. Accueillez les, faites-leur découvrir Devialet et le monde de l’audio haut de gamme à un prix accessible. Certains viennent vers Devialet grâce à PHANTOM, mais achètent au final un Devialet Ensemble, voire un Devialet 200.

Toute l'équipe Devialet vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes et a hâte d’écrire l'histoire à vos cotés en 2015 !

Avec nos meilleures salutations,

L'équipe Devialet
Devialet Expert 220 Pro Kinki EX-M7 power amp tethered to a fiber-fed Lumin X1 streamer via Grimm XLRs, Vivid B1 Decade speakers in Rosso Barchetta red (only 200 produced in a limited edition), Roon Nucleus with a Samsung 860 EVO 2TB SSD, etherREGEN switch fed by a Sonore opticalModule (and Sonore-supplied transceivers and 1M optical cable) with a SOtM dCBL-Cat7 cable to my Nucleus and a DH Labs Reunion Cat8 to my Lumin T2 streamer, Keces P8 linear power supply feeding a (to come) NUC and EtherREGEN switch with an external AfterDark OCXO clock., and opticalModule (5V/1A), AudioQuest Niagara 1000 power conditioner, ASI LiveLine loom (purchased directly from Franck Tchang when I lived in France), Less Loss Firewall for Speakers and Roon lifetime license with Tidal streaming.
And in English (Via Google Translate):

Dear Partner,

As you know, last Tuesday Devialet launched two new products, DIALOG and PHANTOM. These products will enable us to tackle a new booming market, the Wireless Hi-Fi systems. You will find below more information about these offers and deployment.

DIALOG, the heart of the eco-system Devialet

DIALOG is the heart of the eco-system Devialet. It's is an ultra-powerful smart audio router that connects to your internet box and allows you to access your music, play on all Devialet network devices, without any computer. DIALOG creates its own high resolution network dedicated to music, combining 3 Wi-Fi dual-band networks to next generation PLC network; it is connectable to the USB current amplifiers Devialet

PHANTOM, the first Implosive Sound Center

PHANTOM represents a new product category that combines audio electronics excellence and acoustic systems 10 to 30 times larger in an accessible, compact and modular:
- Used in Solo, it is the ideal product for a second room or client 'lifestyle'
- Two Phantoms are through DIALOG stereo system for refund qualities outsized
- DIALOG allows up to 24 Phantoms, making it the multi-room high-end solution that everyone expected

Like all Devialet, PHANTOM and DIALOG products are products with very high technological content, entirely made in France.

Availability for Devialet resellers

As a high-end retailer, you are one of our key partners, are best placed to sell our products and promote full Devialet ecosystem including our high-end amplifiers and a lifestyle product like PHANTOM.

You've probably noticed, since its launch PHANTOM allowed to drain new customers in your stores.
Of course, we would like to make this product available to all our distribution channels immediately, but we are not able to do so. PHANTOM is an unprecedented technological achievement, and we must remain cautious about marketing.

Availability in our High-End network will be planned by country, following the acceleration of production:
- DIALOG should be available in the first quarter of 2015
- PHANTOM will meanwhile available after the Munich High End Show in May 2015

If customers wish to acquire PHANTOM, the only solution that offers to them at the moment is to pre-order directly from our website (European Union only for now).

We understand and are pleased that you are eager to sell yourself and DIALOG PHANTOM, and strive to be able to provide them to you very quickly. However, today you're not resellers of these products; So we ask you specifically at this stage not to pre-order for DIALOG or PHANTOM - indeed, a wait of several months could result in our customers frustration against-productive.

In the meantime, you can already take advantage of the influx of new customers. Greet, let them discover Devialet and the world of high-end audio at an affordable price. Some come to Devialet through PHANTOM, but buy a Devialet the final set, even a Devialet 200.

The whole team Devialet wish you happy holidays and looks forward to write history at your side in 2015!

Best regards,

The team Devialet
Devialet Ensemble

Hampshire, UK
Let us play 'Patience' in the meanwhile...
■ Devialet 1000 Pro & Roon Lifetime ■ Dynaudio Sapphire ■ Streacom fanless HTPC-SSD (W8.1) ■ Sonos  Connect (+Magna Ultimo mod) ■ Qobuz Studio  Qnap TS 219 P II ■ v.d. Hul The Revolution LS cables ■ PS Audio Quintet ■ picture: Sony VPL-HW65ES & LG-OLED65C9
Amsterdam NL
(29-Dec-2014, 12:27)rik Wrote: And in English (Via Google Translate):

Dear Partner,

As you know, last Tuesday Devialet launched two new products, DIALOG and PHANTOM. These products will enable us to tackle a new booming market, the Wireless Hi-Fi systems. You will find below more information about these offers and deployment.

DIALOG, the heart of the eco-system Devialet

DIALOG is the heart of the eco-system Devialet. It's is an ultra-powerful smart audio router that connects to your internet box and allows you to access your music, play on all Devialet network devices, without any computer. DIALOG creates its own high resolution network dedicated to music, combining 3 Wi-Fi dual-band networks to next generation PLC network; it is connectable to the USB current amplifiers Devialet

PHANTOM, the first Implosive Sound Center

PHANTOM represents a new product category that combines audio electronics excellence and acoustic systems 10 to 30 times larger in an accessible, compact and modular:
- Used in Solo, it is the ideal product for a second room or client 'lifestyle'
- Two Phantoms are through DIALOG stereo system for refund qualities outsized
- DIALOG allows up to 24 Phantoms, making it the multi-room high-end solution that everyone expected

Like all Devialet, PHANTOM and DIALOG products are products with very high technological content, entirely made in France.

Availability for Devialet resellers

As a high-end retailer, you are one of our key partners, are best placed to sell our products and promote full Devialet ecosystem including our high-end amplifiers and a lifestyle product like PHANTOM.

You've probably noticed, since its launch PHANTOM allowed to drain new customers in your stores.
Of course, we would like to make this product available to all our distribution channels immediately, but we are not able to do so. PHANTOM is an unprecedented technological achievement, and we must remain cautious about marketing.

Availability in our High-End network will be planned by country, following the acceleration of production:
- DIALOG should be available in the first quarter of 2015
- PHANTOM will meanwhile available after the Munich High End Show in May 2015

If customers wish to acquire PHANTOM, the only solution that offers to them at the moment is to pre-order directly from our website (European Union only for now).

We understand and are pleased that you are eager to sell yourself and DIALOG PHANTOM, and strive to be able to provide them to you very quickly. However, today you're not resellers of these products; So we ask you specifically at this stage not to pre-order for DIALOG or PHANTOM - indeed, a wait of several months could result in our customers frustration against-productive.

In the meantime, you can already take advantage of the influx of new customers. Greet, let them discover Devialet and the world of high-end audio at an affordable price. Some come to Devialet through PHANTOM, but buy a Devialet the final set, even a Devialet 200.

The whole team Devialet wish you happy holidays and looks forward to write history at your side in 2015!

Best regards,

The team Devialet

Oh my god! What a translation. It's a pain reading. Somehow it's comforting that the I in AI isn't yet around.
(24-Dec-2014, 12:41)GuillaumeB Wrote:
(24-Dec-2014, 05:36)nfnc Wrote: My experience with the Devialets have been rather mixed. D-Premiers monos into Raidho D1 were rather decent if somewhat clinical and dry sounding. D200 into Raidho D2 lacked body, harmonics and texture plus had a mist/haze overlay - it did not help that the dealer had inadvertently swapped the L/R channels, used an unbroken in unit with the CD source some 4+ meters away from the D200.

Subsequently, at a local hi-fi show, I heard the Ensemble (D120 + Atohm). From a brief listen, it sounded quite amazing and so unlike the previous encounters. Surely an "integrated" active system with DSP crossovers would be able to improve upon that? It is conceptually similar to the Grimm Audio LS1/LS1s but at about 1/6th the price.

I think what you are effectively intimating is that setup is massively important with the Devialets. I've also heard Devialets sound thin/dry/bright, including with some decent speaker combinations.

Get them properly optimised (and in some cases that includes running in!) and they sound out of this world.



Thanks. You have hit in on the head better than me.

2/3 of the lesser experiences were with Raidho speakers, using Ansuz cabling, and at the local distributor/dealer for Devialet/Raidho/Ansuz. The assumption must be that they do know how to set up the system, so it's puzzling. I really like the Devialet concept and technology behind it, so it's quite discouraging thus far. Back to the listening board then.

On optimisation, if Devialet can extend their achievements with the Devialet Ensemble to the Phantom, then, assuming that the drivers and enclosures and the sound of ADH chip is comparable to the D series innards, Devialet may have an over reaching product in their hands.

If the Phantoms can sound remotely close (possible?) to what I might be able achieve with, say, a Devialet 200/Accuphase E600 with Avantgarde Uno Fino/Magico S1/S3 and my existing Lumin A1, I would seriously consider the Phantoms even as a main system, despite the lifestyle product image.

Time will tell, and it is good that a number of users here have already ordered the Phantom and the Dialog.

(01-Jan-2015, 07:37)nfnc Wrote: If the Phantoms can sound remotely close (possible?) to what I might be able achieve with, say, a Devialet 200/Accuphase E600 with Avantgarde Uno Fino/Magico S1/S3 and my existing Lumin A1, I would seriously consider the Phantoms even as a main system, despite the lifestyle product image.

Time will tell, and it is good that a number of users here have already ordered the Phantom and the Dialog.

Or even the Grimm Audio LS1/LS1s, which employ a similar concept.
The first paragraph re a new D'agostino product here( ) more or less sums up for me where Devialet should be taking the 'Expert' range.
I have no problems with the Phantom etc and if it earns them money to plough into R&D etc then that is great but don't really understand why they shouldn't have a roadmap that delivers for existing Dnnn owners!
Chord Blu > D200 > Martin Logan Ethos : Saddleworth, England
(04-Jan-2015, 14:48)Tony Wrote: The first paragraph re a new D'agostino product here( ) more or less sums up for me where Devialet should be taking the 'Expert' range.
I have no problems with the Phantom etc and if it earns them money to plough into R&D etc then that is great but don't really understand why they shouldn't have a roadmap that delivers for existing Dnnn owners!

The MLife integrated amplifier from D'Agostino certainly looks like a very interesting product. On the networking/connectivity/streaming options it ticks all the boxes: UPnP, Airplay, Tidal streaming online radio services, Bluetooth and all the digital inputs you could ask for... I can't find any details regarding the DAC however but I'm sure it will be good.

It will cost more than twice the price of a D800 though and regarding sound quality it might not improve massively (if at all) on the D800. But it does show you where things are heading!

Surely the next version of the D120/200/250/400/800 will feature native wireless support for Dialog and Spark, which if I've understood correctly will bring all this connectivity to the Devialets. Until then we'll need to connect our Devialets to a Dialog box by USB, but the Dialog will always be needed to "pull" all these different services to the Devialet.

But it does seem quite clear to me that Dialog and Spark are Devialet's answer to increased network and streaming connectivity enjoyed by much of the competition. We have to hope that the Dialog/Expert line integration maintains the highest levels of SQ we have become accustomed to with AIR, and hopefully without any of the downsides! Wink

Industry disclosure: UK distributor for Shunyata Research

220 PRO, totaldac d1 server with additional external power supply, totaldac d1-seven, Echole PSU for Totaldac, Wilson Audio Sasha 2, Shunyata Research cables, Shunyata Hydra Alpha A10 + DPC-6 v3, Various Entreq ground boxes and cables, Entreq Athena level 3 rack, 2 X SOtM sNH-10G with sCLK-EX + 10MHz Master Clock input + sPS-500 PSU, i5 sonicTransporter w/ 1TB SSD

(04-Jan-2015, 14:48)Tony Wrote: The first paragraph re a new D'agostino product here( ) more or less sums up for me where Devialet should be taking the 'Expert' range.
I have no problems with the Phantom etc and if it earns them money to plough into R&D etc then that is great but don't really understand why they shouldn't have a roadmap that delivers for existing Dnnn owners!

That looks like an all out assault on the Devialet concept. Dan has been in the industry long enough to see a trend and act on it. Don't be surprised if you see a whole lot of these come out in 2015.
                                                    Lifetime Roon, Mac mini, int. SSD, ext. HDD, tv as monitor, key board and track pad on bean bag as remote,Devialet 200, Od'A #097, Blue jeans speaker cable,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                            Dynaudio C1 MkII.
                                                                                                                                                                              Jim Smith's GBS.
                                                                                                                                                                        Northern NSW Australia.

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