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Ethernet streaming and occasional white noise on Windows
Does anyone still encounter (with Firmware 7.1 and AIR 2.1.2) occasional bursts of white noise when streaming over the Ethernet, on Windows 7. (I think this issue was always limited to AIR on Windows. It was supposed to be fixed or greatly improved with the latest version of Firmware and AIR).
I experienced this twice in 5 weeks. First, with the 192/24 format, but then with 44/16 as well (where it was not a deafening burst of noise, but rather loud hissing with music still discernible in the background). If you're a Windows user, Please let me know:
1) if it ever happens to you
2) what your usage pattern is:
a) do usually you put Windows to sleep, or shut it down?
b) do you restart AIR prior to listening, or always keep it on?
c) Do you use JRiver or FooBar? Are you using WASAPI EVENT or WASAPI PUSH (Not sure about JRiver, but Foobar gives you two options for WASAPI)?
d) Are you using a direct Ethernet connection between the computer and Devialet, or via the router? What are your AIR buffer length and max recall settings?
Much appreciated!
JRiver MC20 --> Devialet 250 Expert Pro --> KEF Blades II
Using Windows 8.1, (Qobuz touch app + winamp on desktop) - never get these issues, sorry.
Pink Triangle Anniversary/SME IV/Hana Blue; Intel NUC + Roon ROCK; Devialet 440 Pro CI; Kudos Titan 707 using AXD; Kudos, Chord, Audioquest cables
Dublin, Ireland
I have a similar issue. I use both iTunes (either direct or with Windows audio session enabled) and Jriver with WASAPI. All via a very new Windows 8 PC, hard wired Ethernet / Devialet AIR. Everthing works fine and sounds excellent. I can run upto 24bit 192khz using Jriver WASAPI, everthing sounds excellent and is 100% stable. However ....... It can run for hours "100% stable" but then just switches to white noise, which can be a bit alarming, especially if the volume is cranked up a bit. If I then disable the AIR app and then immediately re-enable AIR, it will again work fine for ages. Most times, this is a direct switch from lovely high quality sound, then to pure white noise. I have one time only had the case as you describe, in that you get white noise with the music quiet in the background. Next month I am hoping to attend a dealer event, where a designer from Devialet will be visiting to answer any questions (and, I guess to persuade me I really should upgrade to an 800). I'll stick this one on my question list and report back in a couple of weeks.

I think the key point from the above is that I get this issue with both Jriver and iTunes, and with different iTunes settings. So using the power of incredible logic, the issue is not related to the music software. Also, if running the Devialet off a digital radio, CD player / SPDIF etc. this issue never happens, so it is not the Devialet itself. That still leaves Windows itself, the AIR software or maybe something really obscure. An interesting one this, because our issues are similar, but not quire the same.
(29-Jun-2014, 13:06)Confused Wrote: I have a similar issue. I use both iTunes (either direct or with Windows audio session enabled) and Jriver with WASAPI. All via a very new Windows 8 PC, hard wired Ethernet / Devialet AIR. Everthing works fine and sounds excellent. I can run upto 24bit 192khz using Jriver WASAPI, everthing sounds excellent and is 100% stable. However ....... It can run for hours "100% stable" but then just switches to white noise, which can be a bit alarming, especially if the volume is cranked up a bit. If I then disable the AIR app and then immediately re-enable AIR, it will again work fine for ages. Most times, this is a direct switch from lovely high quality sound, then to pure white noise. I have one time only had the case as you describe, in that you get white noise with the music quiet in the background. Next month I am hoping to attend a dealer event, where a designer from Devialet will be visiting to answer any questions (and, I guess to persuade me I really should upgrade to an 800). I'll stick this one on my question list and report back in a couple of weeks.

I think the key point from the above is that I get this issue with both Jriver and iTunes, and with different iTunes settings. So using the power of incredible logic, the issue is not related to the music software. Also, if running the Devialet off a digital radio, CD player / SPDIF etc. this issue never happens, so it is not the Devialet itself. That still leaves Windows itself, the AIR software or maybe something really obscure. An interesting one this, because our issues are similar, but not quire the same.

Yes, I think you're experiencing the very same problem. Not sure why you describe it as "not quite the same".
Please do report this to Devialet. The more reports they get, the higher the chances of their looking into this residual issue with AIR <--> Windows WASAPI. I've exchanged several emails with Thierry. They seem to think the problem may be specific to WASAPI on Windows per se. However, while my Internet searches for "WASAPI white noise" did yield some results, those problems appeared to be related to configurations and specific devices' drivers - in other words, they were not sporadic, like in our case.
I'm "experimenting", at the moment. For instance, making sure I restart AIR each time prior to listening, especially, if the PC was just woken up from sleep. (I recall that when I got those bursts of white noise, I was constantly keeping AIR running, never quitting it).
Please let me know two more things, which may or may not be significant:
a) the length of your AIR buffer (also, your MAX_RECALL ratio - I did not see an option to change it in the AIR GUI, but found a way to modify it directly in Window's registry, under "Devialet Air" - that was back in the WIFI days: when I attempted to fix the dropouts, I increased MAX_RECALL to 1000ms, and left it like that ever since)
b) if you're using a direct Ethernet connection with Devialet, or connect via the router.
JRiver MC20 --> Devialet 250 Expert Pro --> KEF Blades II
Why "not quite the same"? The key difference is that I experience a 100% switch from normal music to white noise, rather than "music still discernible in the background".

Regarding your specific queries:
a) My AIR buffer is set to 2000ms. (this is set in the "advanced" section of the AIR GUI, look for the pad lock symbol) Why not longer? I have found if set higher AIR ALWAYS shuts down in about 5 seconds with 24/196 files. I think AIR or the Devialet itsef simply runs out of memory. Why not shorter? No real reason, just a hunch that longer is better.
b) PC is connected to a router, the router is hard wired to a switch box, the switch box is hard wired to the Devialet, as well as smart TV, Bluray player etc.

With regards to Thierry's comment, I always think "the problem may be" is IT speak for "I don't know"..... However, it has given me a thought......

I never had this issue with my old Windows Vista PC. Futhermore, I don't think I had this issue with my current Windows 8 PC prior to setting up WASAPI on Jriver. I have had this problem with iTunes before setting up Windows Audio Session. So what's changed and when? I think this could be related to the Windows sound card GUI. i.e. changing to exclusive mode to allow WASAPI to function. I might try switching this off and using iTunes direct, and see if the problem goes. The problem is that I have run the PC through the Devialet for maybe 5 hours or more before this the white noise issue occurs, so it may take a while to establish if this is the culprit.

Another thisng I might try when I get time, is to hard wire the Devialet direct to the PC via Ethernet, this would then rule out the router and switches as a problem.

(30-Jun-2014, 13:55)Confused Wrote: Why "not quite the same"? The key difference is that I experience a 100% switch from normal music to white noise, rather than "music still discernible in the background".

Regarding your specific queries:
a) My AIR buffer is set to 2000ms. This is set in the "advanced" settings in the AIR GUI (shown with a lock). Why not longer? I have found if set higher AIR ALWAYS shuts down in about 5 seconds with 24/196 files. I think AIR of the Devialet itsef simply runs out of memory. Why not shorter? No real reason, just a hunch that longer is better.
b) PC is connected to a router, the router is hard wired to a switch box, the switch box is hard wired to the Devialet, as well as smart TV, Bluray player etc.

With regards to Thierry's comment, I always think "the problem may be" is IT speak for "I don't know"..... However, it has given me a thought......

I never had this issue with my old Windows Vista PC. Futhermore, I don't think I had this issue with my current Windows 8 PC prior to setting up WASAPI on Jriver. I have had this problem with iTunes before setting up Windows Audio Session. So what's changed and when? I think this could be related to the Windows sound card GUI. i.e. changing to exclusive mode to allow WASAPI to function. I might try switching this off and using iTunes direct, and see if the problem goes. The problem is that I have run the PC through the Devialet for maybe 5 hours or more before this the white noise issue occurs, so it may take a while to establish if this is the culprit.

Another thing I might try when I get time, is to hard wire the Devialet direct to the PC via Ethernet, this would then rule out the router and switches as a problem.
I have a similar issue. I have Devialet 400 combo connected via ethernet to Asus RT-AC66U router and from router via ethernet to iMac 27' (2013). Firmware: 7.1, Devialet AIR 2.1.2, Mac Os 10.9.4, iTunes 11.2.2. (3). I use only iTunes for streaming. Buffer size is 1 000 ms. Bit Perfect is enabled.
On 24/192 files the problem exists 3-4 times per week. On 24/96 - 1-2 times per week. On 16/44 streaming - less 1 times per week.
I'll reported to Devialet 2 weeks ago & have nothing, no response (only one letter "do you try to use ethernet streaming?' - but I always use ethernet streaming!)
Sometimes the music stop playing and I heard noise - and than music starts playing. Thats the problem.
I used before Devialet 250 - and its plays music on my system without any problems. But I upgraded Devialet 250 to Devialet 400 combo - and Devialet 400 has this problem.
Kjj11 - This is interesting, or at least it eliminates cirtain options. AlexS and myself are using windows, you clearly are not as you have an iMac. Thierry's / Devialet's thoery that this is Windows / WASAPI specific is looking a bit week, if you are expeiencing the same issue on an iMac.
Kjj11, something tells me that yours may be a somewhat different problem. I assume that if this were related to AIR and the Bit Perfect mode, you'd be getting this issue with 250 as well. Unless, your upgrade to 400 coincided with some unrelated configuration changes.
Could you, just in case, increase the size of your buffer (to, say, 3000ms), to check if that makes a difference. I'd also restart "AIR" prior to each listening session (I'm currently testing this hypothesis of AIR becoming "corrupted" when run for a long time without quitting).

Confused (sorry for addressing you like that; you're probably no more confused than I am), I sent you a private message with a request for some additional information. Please check your private messages on this forum, when you have a chance.
JRiver MC20 --> Devialet 250 Expert Pro --> KEF Blades II
Alex, I tried to reply to you PM and for some reason the page crashes when I try to post the response. (happened twice, but I can't blame this one on AIR) Anyway, no offence taken by the confused reference, this was a tag I chose on a whim, something to do with the stupid plastic robot in the car insurance adverts, with whom I share a name.

Anyway, to respond to your specifics, I always do a full shut down of the PC after use. When I listen to music, I will start the PC, turn on the Devialet, select iTunes or Jriver and select / enable AIR. Sometimes I think I select AIR before iTunes, I'm not consistent with this, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I have only been using Jriver WASAPI for about 3 weeks, and I have only noticed this issue in this same time period, so it has only occurred abut 4 times I think. The last time it occurred it was after about an hour of listening, and if it matters, I was also using the PC for checking some stuff on the 'net at the same time. The time before this I was running music for about 5 hours before the issue occurred, this time the PC was just running iTunes/ AIR, no web surfing or anything else.

To be clear, I was not suggesting disabling the sound card GUI settings required for WASAPI as a solution, just as something to try, i.e. if this cures the issue, then it delivers an indication as the where the issue lies. I find WASAPI gives an improvement in SQ, plus I have acquired quite a lot of 24bt music recently, hence disabling WASAPI is not an option long term.

I will be watching this issue like a hawk from now on and will report back on any future occurrences and circumstances.

No back to being confused.... I have no Idea what a memory leak is, I think I'll ask mr Google. (this will also confuse those who did dot see your PM!!)
I have just experienced the issue again. Running mainly iTunes, but occasionally switching to Jriver, all was fine for about 4 hours. Then the white noise issue. Disabling then enabling AIR, all was ok for 30 minutes, then white noise. Doing the same thing again, all was ok again for only 30 minutes, this time with the mixture of white nose and music.

So I think I am seeing a pattern, from a cold start up of the PC, you can get a long session, I have done this twice recently. After this, maybe only 30 minutes. The pattern can be different if you multi task on the PC. I'll keep watching this!

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