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Early impressions, musings & pondering a Sub addition
(02-Jul-2015, 14:00)teddlesdee Wrote: Yep CL, I still can't figure either, except to say she likes to remark that every time she goes into the kitchen she catches these 'big black shiny things' lurking in the corner of her eye! Before you ask, I had posed rosewood finish but she just shrugged her shoulders)
I believe that she feels that she has 'given' enough simply by allowing me to have them in the house, but the next step (lounge) is a no-no for now!

I have often tried to have a rational conversation with her pointing out that if you want good & involving sound, then generally you have to have decent speakers (I think these Triangles are rather elegant looking compared to many - but I am just...a man!), but logic does not seem to work with her.... Even sitting (tying? - nah! I wouldn't dare!...would I?) her on/to a chair in the correct listening position and playing her her fav CDs (Oh Gad - Westlife!), only results in "Oh, that's nice - love that song", yet she does not see (or appear to appreciate) any difference between that and playing the same CD on her portable! - Lost cause, methinks!

Is it that some of us (mostly blokes it seems - not that I am sexist!) are born with some sort of extra bump in our brain that gets a buzz-rush out of good sound repro, and with others, that bit of brain is simply missing?

Same happened with the DVD surround  - she could not appreciate what all the fuss was about - perfectly happy with the TV's own speakers... Aaaaargh!
Feeling sorry for me yet?

Again thanks guys!
Does it seem reasonable to assume that the crap room dynamics will probably be causing the mid range issue I mentioned?
I am suspecting so, as certain music (I mentioned Vangelis) seems amazing throughout the range, but the composition is very different to other music such as full range orchestral/ pop etc where I detect it being somewhat light in mid range presence.... or maybe I am just getting OLD!
I prefer not to introduce frequency level adjustments via the player, but I guess I might have to have a go tonight to try to 'bring forward' mid range and hear what happens!

I wonder what Mrs teddlesdee would make of my room, KEF Blades, late 90's spec Danish JBL100's with lovely 12"drivers on surround duties, a pair of KEF LS50's on stands as a centre speaker, a couple more speakers on shelves at the back of the room for 7 channel surround, the rest of the shelf space stuffed with vinyl, Dev D800's on a big rack with lots of other kit and a giant shiny TT, triple Arcam Alpha 10's running the multi channel stuff, I could go on.

The poor woman doesn't know just how lucky she is! Angel

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RE: Early impressions, musings & pondering a Sub addition - by Confused - 02-Jul-2015, 21:22

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