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2-3 week inspection & PSU temp comparison
Ok, I've tried to scale everything within a couple thousandths of an inch to insure this is a fair & equitable test either way. If there's strong objection either way I'll make every attempt to modify thermal pad sizes to be more fair based on majority preference. I have a couple hours to kill (removing PEMS on other equipment as luck would have it). If the majority signs off as-is I'll reinstall and start testing. I have a couple hours so by all means if you see anything unfair/unobjective speak up. Its 1:15pm my time and I'll plan on starting this near 4pm. I think that's 11pm for most of you guys. But please... no 10:30pm requests for changes as its not likely to happen. Thanks! If it looks overwhelmingly fair to most immediately I'll reassemble and run with it.

Let me know...

Compare this pic to the old pic in next post:
Statements in my posts are opinion only, not to be construed as fact. Any projects I engage in are at my own risk! Their outcome cannot be assured and may result in success, small/no change or catastrophic failure. I encourage no one rely on anything I say or do as gospel and to realize your mileage may vary!

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RE: 2-3 week inspection & PSU temp comparison - by Manoet - 15-Oct-2015, 20:21

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