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Phantom Resolution....anyway to improve...?
Andrewhollo, thanks for the comments.

I completely believe that comments like yours are authentic. At the same time, I am also staggered (not doubting, just staggered) that one would prefer one Phantom over a $20K system like yours. I wish I can be as enthusiastic. For me, lacking the resolution makes the system 'pleasant' but not as involving as the audio sounds 'reproduced' rather than 'real'. Real live acoustic instruments are incredibly complex, subtle and quick in their overtones. I listen to a live grand piano daily for example. So Phantoms are pleasant enough but never quite sounds 'real' dues to what I deem to be slower in the transients and medium resolutions. So the overtones are more 'smudged' together or 'less clear'. It just can't respond fast enough to reflect the reality of a soundboard going every which direction with crisp edges. The result is that the music is pleasant but less involving as I keep feeling that there is 'more music' hidden.

I believe that this is why two dealers I chat with told me privately that they deemed the Phantom less 'refined' than their regular Devialets driving good speakers.

Hope all that makes sense. My room placement is fine - I've had many speakers and have a sense of what works.

Anyways, love to hear more of your comments in dialogue. I'm not bashing Phantoms here - just want to hear more.

I will say that they are very coherent in the phase so that is very good.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Phantom Resolution....anyway to improve...? - by MountainGuy - 19-Nov-2015, 08:31

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