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NAIM just released new UNITI family
I was tempted by the Muso for the bedroom but when push came to shove I couldn't justify it - so went raspberry pi, pi HAT DAC, and Marshall speaker with full Roon zone sync and support up to 192. I love the setup but I still look at the Muso when I see it in the shops, and it's not even my preferred design.

They get a lot of a slagging but I think they are a good brand and I was generally happy with mine. The thing is there was a sort of constant pressure that you didn't have a decent system until you had the 500. Mine was only just up from entry level so that felt really far away. Although Devialetchat probably causes a lot of OdA/1000pro envy, there's much more sense that people enjoy their setups at all levels and aren't constantly being told to buy 'the next one up' (or the next PSU up). I think the Naim forum is quite a bit more 'cultist' then here too.

Weirdly what I miss the most is controlling the analogue volume knob (with its green light), via the remote. The dots around the display on the 200 don't quite have the same effect. But it's freed up a good chunk of space in the corner of the room.

Damn, now I've typed this and started thinking about RoonReady Muso, I can feel the lure of John Lewis....

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<


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RE: NAIM just released new UNITI family - by Hifi_swlon - 07-Oct-2016, 21:23

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