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Invitation to send your PRO to Paris
(09-Nov-2017, 15:28)mdconnelly Wrote: Wow, Quentin's letter certainly did stir things up.  FWIW, here's my take...

-- Roon users are frustrated because Devialet never fully fixed AIR and has never been willing to state whether they will implement RAAT now or in the future.  

-- We all are frustrated because for over a year, Devialet remained relatively quiet as to what, exactly, the new CI board and OS will bring.  Eventually, they said to wait until October 17.

-- We all are frustrated because when Oct 17 arrived, we were told to wait until Nov 7 -- still without any additional information as to what to expect.

Personally, I have no problem with missed deadlines - shit happens.  My frustration is simply that Devialet does not communicate which leaves us surmising and second guessing.  Much of the debate in these threads is now about what "WE" think their priorities should be.  That's crazy!  Devialet has not asked us for our opinions and best I can tell, they're not listening.

What I want most is a CI board and OS that works as intended.  I do believe its primary purpose is to serve as the basis for future features and functionality of the Expert Pro line.   It's Devialet's job to decide what that will be.  We keep deluding ourselves into thinking we have (or should have) input to their design processes.  I do not believe that Devialet's current corporate culture provides for that.  At least, I see no evidence for such.  That's certainly not unique to them.  What we hope is that they're smart enough to meet and exceed our expectations.  We don't want to be disappointed.  We love our Experts!   But reality being what it is, if they don't or can't, we'll move on.   

What is important (yet I fear not likely to occur) is for Devialet to adopt a more open and communicative style of interacting with their customers.   Quentin's letter was clearly a big step in that direction - albeit a bit late.  But as many questions as it answered, it opened the door for many more - hence the fierce discussion going on here.

My goal now is to set my keyboard aside, give Devialet time to sort out these problems, and just listen to the music.

+1 to that, I think.

What I really, really want, is for the police to announce no charges are to be made against Ben Stokes and he can go to Australia. As you are American you probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about and why on earth would anyone want to go to Australia anyway, but then I barely understand anything anyone posts here myself.
250 Pro CI; Innuos Zen Mk3; Claro dual turntable (Expert Stylus Denon + OL Aladdin Mk2); RCM Sensor2; Wilson Sabrina; OePhi speaker cables; Puritan PM156 conditioner and Ultimate cables.

Messages In This Thread
Invitation to send your PRO to Paris - by Wdw - 14-Sep-2017, 02:56
RE: Invitation to send your PRO to Paris - by ssfas - 09-Nov-2017, 20:29
RE: Invitation to send y - by Hifi_swlon - 17-Apr-2018, 00:21

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