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Dialog vs. Airport
>> How do you exclude that the Phantoms and Dialog do not communicate through their internal PLC?

They are not on the same electrical circuit. But your theory about the Phantoms attempting to make PLC connections, and those failed attempts causing problems is an interesting one. In general, I'm finding that all the Devialet gear tries to "outsmart" the user in an Apple-esque way, and fails as often as it succeeds. There really should be user settings for all this stuff, even if those settings were hidden on an Advanced User page. The constant resetting of the volume is another good example, as is the fact that you can't tell the Dialog which wifi channels to use. (In my case, it often picks incorrectly on its own.) Just let me tell the equipment what to do!

...which relates to your second point: The only "neighboring network" I have control over is my own, and I have moved its channels away from the Dialog's channels. But it is also the only network in the building - so the other neighboring signals are lower than would otherwise be expected in an urban environment. To your question: yes, I've confirmed that audio dropouts are present when the Phantoms are on 5GHz, both with optical in to the Dialog (worse) and directly into one Phantom (better).

Anyway, to get back to the original topic: My theory is confirmed. I rebooted my wifi router while playing music through the Phantoms, and they continued to operate. The Devialet rep was wrong, and Dialog->Phantom communication does in fact use the dedicated Dialog network. It's unbelievably frustrating to have been going back and forth with their Tech support for a year now, only to be assigned to someone who doesn't even know how the devices work. (And during that year, never once did they entertain the idea that the hardware is flawed. It's just a constant insistence that I must have set it up wrong.)

Messages In This Thread
Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 09-Jan-2018, 23:35
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by angenet - 10-Jan-2018, 00:28
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 10-Jan-2018, 02:27
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by streamy - 10-Jan-2018, 05:09
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by angenet - 10-Jan-2018, 06:02
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 10-Jan-2018, 05:34
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by streamy - 10-Jan-2018, 20:03
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 10-Jan-2018, 06:31
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by Jamington2004 - 10-Jan-2018, 16:03
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 17-Jan-2018, 16:54
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by hydr - 19-Jan-2018, 15:08
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 24-Jan-2018, 18:56
Dialog vs. Airport - by Eggman - 25-Jan-2018, 22:36
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 25-Jan-2018, 23:04
Dialog vs. Airport - by Eggman - 26-Jan-2018, 05:06
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 26-Jan-2018, 14:18
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by Eggman - 27-Jan-2018, 23:26
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 27-Jan-2018, 23:49
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by hydr - 08-Feb-2018, 16:20
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by meeotch - 08-Feb-2018, 16:39
RE: Dialog vs. Airport - by hydr - 08-Feb-2018, 23:14

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