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How to improve Jitter issue via USB/ETHERNET ?
I find the video linked below a very valuable explanation on HighRes and Digital in general that gives a good knowledge base for further discussing what some of the effects (like jitter/digital sound) we hear are caused by.
Remarkable to me in this video was the fact that the human ear can distinguish differences in time up to 7 microsec and he ties the connection to why higher sampling rates satisfy this fact. For me jitter plays into that too.

It's from Hans Beekhuyzen's channel that was meantioned several times in this forum. If you're interested in MQA you can also view part2 of this video. I think he has a very nice way to explaine many technical terms in plain language on his channel.

Jitter in general can have many reasons and it can add up in a audio chain or a device itself. It's nothing that can be eliminated at one point and not be cared about anymore.
There is nothing without jitter in the digital world. In audio the limit is our perception and I think we're technically just not at the threshold so we can't hear it anymore. It might have to do with the timebased resolution (the 7us) we are capable of to distiguish.

My personal believe is that jitter can't be elliminated only by implementing a really good clock (e.g. inside and/or outside the Devialet) but a precise clock is indispensible to reduce jitter.
Also important causes for jitter are the jitter of the source, noise (e.g. on power line), vibrations, cables, EMF and more. There's no way to say jitter doesn't effect a Devialet because it's build that good. It's the other way round. A Devialet is build that good that it demonstrates very clear the amount of jitter still in the system no matter where it originates from.

"Oh, you can buy the other. But then it is a cost intensive learning process"

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RE: Devialet has NO Jitter issue via USB/ETHERNET ? - by yabaVR - 15-Mar-2018, 11:52

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