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£200 streaming option beats all comers upto £5K
My wonderful Aurender N100C (on a 440) has seen a massive drop in the cursing and fowl language around here. No more cussing the iMac for not being on, no more why didn't Roon launch properly, no more why doesn't this Fing App launch the iMac. It also introduced me to the glorious High Res files of Qobuz. These really do beat the Tidal / Roon / iMac combination in quality. All in all worth making the investment. As for the "Transport Device In Use" error. I can feel my blood boiling again at the very thought of it.

On another note, Thanks to the guys at HiFi Solutions Amsterdam for answering my 1,000 questions, lending me a trial device and the generally great service.

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RE: £200 streaming option beats all comers upto £5K - by Djangohills - 20-Dec-2018, 00:20

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