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MacMini –> Audirvana 3.5 –> Sonarworks –> UpnP –> Golds (DOS2) = BLISS!
...what standard wiring should I specify in order the wiring is reasonably future proof ...CAT 7?

> I would recommend CAT 6A at a minimum or 7 if you are OK with the outlay and it will fit in the ducts (which depends how many connections you will need).  There are three main aspects here: 1. cost, 2. thickness and 3. how far into the future you want to try to future-proof yourself.  Analysing all the sensitivities would take quite a while so to keep it simple I will just say my recommendation anno 2020 would be "minimum CAT 6A".

...given the comments about router antenna, and the fact that my router is on the first floor (but immediately above my Devialet Phantoms on the ground floor), would simply changing the orientation of the modem/router (ie lying it flat rather than upright)  make a difference.

> I take it from this that your modem has internal antennae and you can't actually see them, in which case I am just guessing.  I suspect however that the designers have prioritised horizontal dispersion, in which case a likely scenario is three antennae with one pointing straight up, one up at 45° and one up at 45° but perpendicular to the other - something like this \|/.  If that is the case then you will be getting minimum propagation directly above and below the router when oriented as intended (i.e. "feet down").  A simple test would be to try rotating it through 90° and seeing if the number of arcs on the wifi signal strength indicator on your phone increases when you stand exactly underneath it.  You could conduct a more accurate test with your iMac using a Wifi sniffer app that would show you signal strength in dB (yes, you would have to lug the iMac downstairs) if you were really curious.

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RE: MacMini –> Audirvana 3.5 –> Sonarworks –> UpnP –> Golds (DOS2) = BLISS! - by struts - 12-Jan-2020, 23:00

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