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From Devialet Tech Support: How Phantom, Dialog & Wifi Router communicate
You guys do have a point.

I do note:
1. My guess is that when they designed it, they want it to be as potent as possible in its capacity (Did I note that Devialet seem to be a very ambitious engineering company?) and thus designed multiple methods to solve a problem. It seems that they threw everything at the Phantom. And my guess is that it just turned out that after they made it, the found the differences in connectivity. It was not designed from the ground up that way - I'm guessing. I don't have inside news on this.

So to be fair, they do not say, 'Don't use the wifi'. Some use it just fine. I happened to be not one of them but I am retesting the system and will report back. They seem to be saying, 'If your wifi is not stable (and that's not the design goal), you have 2 other options.'

2. I think they need to redesign Dialogue for better range. Someone mentioned a different wifi unit from a different company.

Again, conjecture on my part. BUT I will say that with some contact with Devialet, I have now come to appreciate that they are REALLY concerned about these things and are not blase or uncaring about. My read is that they are simply stretched as they push the bleeding edge. If they communicate with the public better, it may go a long ways towards allaying their customers' angst.

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RE: From Devialet Tech Support: How Phantom, Dialog & Wifi Router communicate - by MountainGuy - 12-Dec-2015, 20:17

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