Devialet Chat
"Even with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with respect and as a fellow human being is always a good first step towards greater understanding."
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Information, Rules & FAQ
48 627 Merry Christmas!
24-Dec-2023, 18:26
by audio_engr
Devialet News
Anyone for Roon RAAT?!
398 15,128 Devialet AIR driver updat...
23-Nov-2024, 10:39
by chrisd
What The Polls Say
55 1,599 HQPlayer NAA implementati...
26-Mar-2024, 18:19
by markush
Devialet Reviews
Links to product reviews, white papers, product manuals and technical articles
201 1,997 Devialet 220 Pro review f...
17-Nov-2024, 15:42
by markush
Devialet Astra
A star is born
7 123 Who will buy Astra
Yesterday, 18:06
by ada
Devialet D-Premier, Expert 120/200/250, Expert 140/220/250 Pro
Single chassis mayhem!
728 8,516 Devialet Expert 250 Pro (...
02-Dec-2024, 18:42
by mdconnelly
Devialet Expert 400/800, Original d'Atelier, Expert 210/440/1000 Pro
Dual mono is Da King!
394 6,573 different amps for dual m...
22-Nov-2024, 07:55
by Fornix
Phantom I (103 DB, 108 DB, Premier Classic, Silver & Gold)
Spark, accessories
1,856 20,809 DOS 2.17.6 ?
Yesterday, 23:30
by Maverick
Phantom II (95 DB, 98 DB, Reactor 600 & 900)
It's got legs!
227 1,729 Stand - Phantom II
21-Nov-2024, 12:23
by booshtukka
Metamorphically manic, and splash-resistant too
8 50 Mania not working?
20-Sep-2024, 10:52
by JamesTK
Gemini Earbuds
Small but perfectly formed
49 509 Outstanding sound
27-Aug-2024, 10:47
by elijahross
Dione Soundbar
Raising the bar
47 293 Does not recognise HDMI c...
02-Dec-2024, 09:29
by hulster
Tweaker's Corner
Cables, room correction & more...
417 8,078 Ethernet Cable
17-Nov-2024, 11:47
by hardcore
AIR (wifi and ethernet), UPnP, USB, music players and servers, networks
850 19,165 Trouble with Streaming Qu...
28-Nov-2024, 09:14
by ada
The Vinyl Thread
Turntables, tone arms and cartridges, phono stage settings, digitisation of vinyl...
152 1,713 Phono stage hiss - Measur...
18-Jul-2024, 10:34
by lidanhong
Talk about your speakers here! Vote for SAM campaigns, SAM speaker reviews
311 4,447 List Your Speakers and De...
30-Nov-2024, 13:52
by Stian_Gel
Your Systems
Show us your system! Descriptions and pictures please
205 3,287 My Phantom voyage
03-Oct-2024, 23:04
by ragwo
Suggestions For Improvements
Post your wish lists here!
55 635 Upgrade to 440 Pro vs Exi...
16-Sep-2024, 08:32
by hardcore
Events & Shows
Dealers post your events here!
85 1,662 Munich High End 2024
07-May-2024, 00:09
by Peter van der Laarse
Your Music
What music are you listening to at the moment? Audiophile downloads etc.
72 3,398 What album are you listen...
01-Jun-2024, 22:10
by Pim
Support Desk
Need help on a technical issue? Want to report a bug?
393 3,844 Screw hole on Phantom
27-Nov-2024, 10:50
by Animal Farm
Devialet Classroom
How to configure your Devialet, Networking masterclasses etc
83 764 Question on experience wi...
27-Mar-2024, 16:23
by pisabell
For Sale
The Devialet Chat marketplace, Caveat emptor applies!
429 1,681 Devialet 220 Pro
Yesterday, 12:27
by Norty

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283 users active in the past 15 minutes (2 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 279 guests).
Bing, Google, fraserhadden, Greg
Board Statistics
Our members have made a total of 106,627 posts in 7,070 threads.
We currently have 6,337 members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, mgkarlsson
The most users online at one time was 2,407 on 24-Jun-2024 at 04:10
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