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£200 streaming option beats all comers upto £5K
First to say that I am pleased to read that both @Sailor4W and @Antoine have taken an interest in this thread and are prepared to try the NUC AL solution.

@Hifi_swlon has posted in his usual style, but I would point out that there have been some occasions where the crazed findings of the random nutters have been shown to provide benefits and some of the crazed findings have been adopted by manufacturers. Of course, we could debate this endlessly, scoring points, "of course the manufacturers will adopt this stuff, they just want to sell snake oil to delusional audiophiles". Frankly, I do not see the point debating this here, it has been debated to death on other forums, and never reaches a conclusion. In case it matters, my view is somewhere in the middle, the "experimenters" on CA do sometimes come out with some unlikely results and theories, but sometimes they do stumble on some interesting findings. Personally, I would like to see a scenario where people are free to experiment and report findings without being shut down by subjectivists and trolls, I see such experimentation as having at least the possibility of the occasional discovery. When a consensus builds, say on AL NUCs, upstream clocking, or whatever else, I would like to see some properly controlled blind test sessions. If these blind test sessions provided results consistent with the results of the "observationalists", then let's see if the hardcore subjectivists can measure this stuff. Indeed, it is the last bit that I see as a problem. The industry does not appear to measure everything to the level that it can subjectively be observed, but the level that can subjectively be heard is also at the margins within the threshold of confirmation bias, expectation bias, and all the rest of it. I look forward to the day when we have significantly better measurement techniques, then we might get somewhere without the debate. Anyway, I seem to be posting the opening salvo of a debate, which is not my intention in this thread, if anyone really wants to continue with this one I would suggest we open a new thread, feel free to cut and paste my words above as an opening paragraph.

I am also a little puzzled by some of the "one box solution" comments. If you want a one box solution, that is fine with me, I respect that totally. In which case you can ignore this thread as being of no interest to you. I have seen a few system threads where very nice "minimalist" systems have been showcased, it would be a bit dull if we all started posting "you need more boxes", both approaches are valid, and with a Devialet Expert, you can take whatever approach suits you best. I did have a chuckle at some of the posts though, why post your support of one box solution when you run an external streamer and two LPSU's?

That said, I pretty much agree with every word in @Gerronwithit 's post #12. Although here I need to make one point of clarification, I am not planning to try an AL NUC myself. I have very little free time at the moment and I have no Linux experience, so I am just an interested observer at the moment, I'd love to try it but it would be too time-consuming for me, and I have other things on my "to do" list, plus I do like to leave some time to actually relax and enjoy my system. For the record though, I suspect I will always be interested in any reports of a new and improved source, but I will also always live with the frustration that much of the music I love is not particularly well recorded, it is what it is. As for my short term plans, when I get time I will have quite a lot to post on my own streaming thread. I am working through some changes to my system that are not related to the source, I will post in detail with respect to this when concluded. Enough to say now that what I think I need to get my own system to be something I can sit an listen to and enjoy the music without worrying about the system itself, is not actually related to fine-tuning the source.

I have actually written far more than I planned here, but what I really want to say is that I find the concept of a cheap NUC running some relatively new software and getting (reportedly) great results as being rather compelling. If you happen to have a decent LPSU to hand, this is something with giant-killing prospects for maybe £200, this is less cash than many spend on USB cables. If you can't see why this is of interest, then this thread is not for you. Meanwhile, I shall be following developments with interest. If it is of no interest to you, that's fine with me, but if you are interested, or better still able to report after you have tried an AL NUC with a Devialet, I will be fascinated to hear your findings.
1000 Pro - KEF Blade - iFi Zen Stream - Mutec REF10 - MC3+USB - Pro-Ject Signature 12

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RE: £200 streaming option beats all comers upto £5K - by Confused - 03-Dec-2018, 15:48

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