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AudioQuest’s Niagara 1000 power strip
Thanks a lot guys for your thorough comments on the matter!

@Damon Good to hear, you recall a similar experience of "less punch".. Can't really say I can hear an "easier sound" but I have thought about the possiblity that what I hear when using the N1000 "could" be a more correct presentation. My gut tells me otherwise though, as I can't accept that it could be a good thing if a power conditioner reduces what comes out my amp. On Darko. I like his Instagram, Youtube Channel and writing style, but mostly for style and because I enjoy looking at the tech. I like to keep in mind that many of these reviewers receive money and/ or free products from the manufacturers they review, use and continuously show. Not saying they receive payments directly connected to any given review but definitely sponsored or long-loaner products and/ or Ad-revenue and in Darko's case, he has Ads by Audioquest, Kii Audio, Chord, Auralic, Kef, Hegel, Ayre, Meze Audio --> all products that make up the audio at beautiful "DAR Haus". If I was a manufacturer I would certainly have no interest in paying anybody or paying an Ad or banner on anybody's page who gave my product anything but a good "review". If these guys mention a word against a product or even a cheaper lower-tier product it usually seems vague and carefully phrased. Guys like Darko should imho be seen as influencers, rather than reviewers, plain and simple.

Also thanks for your detailed comments about the Shunyata. If I get the chance to test one in my system, I'll be sure to take it!

@David A Yeah, A/B testing turns out to be hard standing up, re-plugging everything, sit down, boot system, start listening, shut down, get up, re-plug.. So I have started to do exactly what you mentioned and will listen for a few days with the unit and then switch back to cord-to-the-wall.

I do see that power condition can be better or worse depending on area, house-wiring and so on and maybe my house doesn't have particularly problematic circuits. But for me the bigger question is, am I willing to continue to ignore what is the most fundamental critique on power conditioners which is "once it enters the amp and is converted to DC/ passed on to the capacitors from which the amp is then actually powered, all those things become irrelevant"? Devialet about the Expert power supply: "Power supply is unaffected by the mains and runs silently with remarkably low electromagnetic disturbance. .. Driven by a microprocessor, power supply is automatically protected from anomalies including surges, clips and overloads." I knew about this before I got my hands on the N1000 but I really wanted to see for myself. Same goes for power cables so I am very curious to find out how I like the NRG-Z3 that received such praise here in the forum.

I don't quite get your comment on the N1000's size. What I meant is that I would expect such a product to be larger (and heavier) than regular power strips due to the added tech but judging from the weight and the sound it makes when you put it down there doesn't seem to be too much stuff inside at all. Would love to see a tairdown and a look inside done by people who know more on the topic than I do.. Other power conditioners are heavy units loaded with stuff at least, whereas imo the 1000 feels like a piece of plastic garbage when you pick it up. Maybe a little exaggerated, but then it costs 1200€ RRP, so nope, not really exaggerated.. It looks damn sexy though Big Grin.

@Wdw Yep, I knew that, and asked the AQ Regional Sales Manager at the booth about it. His reaction was really weird to be honest. Here's how the conversation went:

Me - Ah nice, you have a promotion on the N1000.. You introduced the successor recently, right?
Thijs H - No..
Me - Really? ..unpleasant silence... I'm pretty sure I read about an N1200?
Thijs H - Ah, you seem to be pre-informed... upleasant silence...
Me - Hm I thought it was official but maybe I am wrong.. So it has not been introduced by you guys officially? (at this point I was 100% positive I saw it on the actual AQ website but wanted to know how he would react).
Thijs H - No, not official yet, it will come in September.
Me - OK byeeee, but gimme that N1000 anyway Big Grin
D200. B&W CM10S2. ROON over AIR for Tidal. Chromecast Audio thru SPDIF for Spotify Connect. Technics SL-1200, Ortofon 2M Bronze. 2x Reactor 600 as desktop monitors. Head/earphones: Denon AH-D5000, Campfire Andromeda S.

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RE: AudioQuest’s Niagara 1000 power strip - by WesCrackin - 05-Feb-2019, 14:38

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