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Audirvana Plus settings with AIR
OK, got it to work. Looking at the first page of this thread, Guillaume's advice on setting Audio to just Direct Mode, now it works. But, will this option without Integer mode degrades in sound quality?
Before: Le200, KEF LS50, AQ Type4, NUC 5i5RYH/8GB/128GB M.2SSD, Roon, Win8.1/AIR2.1.3/RoonBridge, MM/AIR3/RoonBridge, QNAP TS-212P 5TB NAS, AQ NRG-X3

Now: KEF LS50W, NUC5i5RYH/8GB/128GB M.2SSD, Roon, QNAP TS-212P 5TB NAS,iFi iSilencer3.0+DC iPurifier+iPurifier2, Sonos ZP80+SPDIF iPurifier

Location: Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Just tried the 2 version on trial. I'm very pleased with the sound but the library and the general usage is not great. I think I will persist with it for a while though because this is the best I have heard my system sound. I listen to mainly classical and string tone is superb. I'm continually surprised at how much you can get out of a ripped cd! Smile
D440 Pro, Auralic Aries G1, Project Xtension 10, Ortofon Cadenza Black, Esoteric SA-50, Sonus Faber Olympica II, Audioquest cables. Mutec MC-3 + USB.
Have recently acquired a D200.
I tried all combinations of settings for Audirvana+2 and Air, and at some point during the days pops and crackles would kick in. Sometime subtle, sometimes not so much.
Using iTunes and Air the same thing (but not sounding as good as A+ IMO).
Finally settled on A+ USB, which then seems to lose sync with certain settings, although its been stable for a day.

I have to say, for the price of the D200, and considering how long the model has been available, this is a huge disappointment. It's hard to believe its not being dealt with as a matter of urgency.

Sound-wise I'm still undecided - going to give my ears/brain time to adjust but whereas I could forgive the odd pop and click on my £35 raspberry P1 2, I'm not feeling very understanding about experiencing it daily on a product of this cost/level…..

(rant over, what a shame I should be posting here with my new love of the D200's looks etc - but this issue really is very annoying, and since I have structured cabling and a gig-e switch, and have never had any network issues in my house ever, I wasn't expecting to one of the unlucky ones….)
(20-Apr-2015, 16:51)Hifi_swlon Wrote: Have recently acquired a D200.
I tried all combinations of settings for Audirvana+2 and Air, and at some point during the days pops and crackles would kick in. Sometime subtle, sometimes not so much.
Using iTunes and Air the same thing (but not sounding as good as A+ IMO).

OK, so having experimented further, things don't seem to be as bad as I thought.

Using Audirvana - with any settings combinations and USB or with Air - seems to cause some crackling/popping issue at some point or another, as well as some distortion to sound. IMO having compared to how it works on my previous system, I think something just isn't working right between the two of them.  Furthermore, what I once thought was extra detail in my previous setup, I now feel might just be added oomph on the treble  - which I think is what gives the impression of extra detail. Or somethings just plain wrong in this setup.  

Closing it and doing a reboot and going back to plain iTunes and Air (Ethernet), seemed to be very stable. The sound in this case seemed a LOT better, much more so than any of my testing so far.  My thinking is that whatever Audirvana's doing is a bit too low-level and doesn't shut down cleanly, which I have experienced once or twice before but not to this extent.  So my initial trial of plain iTunes and Air was probably an unfair test.  I was really pleased with the sound, and the bass was so strong that I may need to switch back over the the tweeter inputs on the speakers, and/or flip the treble switch up on the Facts (and/or the bass switch down), which I would never have thought possible previously.  Will keep experimenting.

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