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Bi-directional USB problem
I'm hoping that someone can come up with an idea to help me with a problem I have found when trying to use my Devialet 200 to digitise my lps.
I have a Xerxes deck with Tabriz Zi arm and Koetsu Black K cartridge. The amp works fine with the deck when playing lps for listening. But when I try to digitise an Lp using the bi-dir usb outlet, with audacity on a MacBook Pro, no signal is shown and no sound recorded. I have been in touch with Devialet by email, but apart from asking what I am doing and checking the obvious, they have not come up with any ideas for a solution. Now they've started asking questions they have asked before - and we're just going round in circles. I have previously sent them a detailed description of what I have done with screen caps ... And a copy of the config file. Now they want me to video the process!
The dealer I bought the amp from doesn't want to know ... just advised that I would have to be patient with Devialet as this is the way they work. It's been weeks and I'm no further forward.
I have followed the instructions in the bi-dir guidance document closely (the input of the Mac and I. Audacity have been set correctly). 
I have tried recording with both phono and USB as the source on the Devialet. I've tried altering the volume setting on the Devialet. This week, I installed audacity on a windows laptop to see if there was a problem with the Mac ... Same result: no signal shown on the audacity display and a silent file recorded.Has anyone had a similar issue ... does anyone have any ideas?

Messages In This Thread
Bi-directional USB problem - by Chris L - 08-Jul-2015, 19:35
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by thumb5 - 08-Jul-2015, 20:38
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by Chris L - 08-Jul-2015, 20:44
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by thumb5 - 08-Jul-2015, 20:47
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by thumb5 - 08-Jul-2015, 21:13
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by Chris L - 10-Jul-2015, 20:06
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by Chris L - 27-Sep-2015, 21:12
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by Axel - 28-Sep-2015, 12:41
RE: Bi-directional USB problem - by Chris L - 30-Sep-2015, 08:33

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