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Computer Audio Design CAD CAT
Last weekend at Oxford Audio was billed essentially as a Chord Cable demo event.  However, the star of the event for me was in the demo room next door.  This was a system being demonstrated by Computer Audio Design.  Now CAD are best known for their DACs, and although these have a fine reputation, this of little interest to Devialet owners.  However, I was rather taken by the CAD CAT Transport.  This is essentially a highly modified / optimised Windows 8 PC.  Now some might think this makes it inherently inferior to purpose built streamer designs offered by the likes of Aurender and Melko.  However, I can't help thinking that the windows architecture is actually this little machines trump card.  Consider that the operating system is Windows 8 professional.  This means it can run headless, but be operated by remote desktop, an iPad, it even has HDMI output to allow you to use a TV as a monitor.   You could use it full screen with a Microsoft Surface.  Very versatile.  This aspect appeals to me, the CAD CAT out of the box uses JRiver for the music library and JPlay as the player.  However, you could configure this pretty much as you wished, say for example if you wanted to use the full screen version of your music player, rather than a more restrictive tablet control app, not a problem.

Taking all this together means that this device offers outstanding flexibility and a very high degree of future proofing.  Lets say you bought one of these in the days before Roon and when Roon came out, and you though Roon is the thing for me.  Not a problem, Roon runs on Windows, so you could simply add it.  What might arrive in the future?  Could be anything, but if it works with Windows, you could run it on a CAD CAT.

To the big question.  How does this machine sound with a Devialet?  Unfortunately I have no idea!  The demo at OAC used the CAD CAT, the CAD DAC and a Primaluma valve amp driving the new KEF reference 1 stand-mounters.  To be honest, this is not my kind of a system, I have never been much of a fan of stand mount speakers, preferring a floor stander that can deliver "that last octave", and valve amps?  Err no, not for me.  Having said all that, the system sounded absolutely terrific, it was quite simply a very good listen and if I had more time I could happily have sat there listening for hours.  So how good is the CAD CAT if it was put head to head with an Aurender or Melco?  I can't say, but based on the overall presentation of the demo system, the CAT did not appear to be holding much back.  I was also quite impressed with the thoroughness of the unit.  For example, it has two external linear power supplies on different duties, one of these has the power split into seven feeds for various components.  (I think I've got this right)  How much difference this makes to ultimate SQ I really don't know, but it does give a good impression.  It looks OK too, nothing flash, almost minimalistic, but looks well made.

OK, I know the cynics will point out that this is just a modified PC in a fancy box, and you could build your own for a fraction of the money following the information freely available Computer Audiophile or even CAD's own website.  But as I said earlier, I think the PC basis of this machine is it's trump card, and if you don't want to spend hours trying to build your own, I think this is an interesting option.

The designer Scott Berry was there at OAC, together with the very charming Mrs Berry.  They were both great people to talk to and gave the impression of being enthusiasts first and hifi manufacturers second.  I'm pretty confident they are the type of people that would offer good after sales service. help with future mods, upgrades etc.

With such devices, it is of course the ultimate sound quality that matters most, but I think the flexibility, versatility and future proofing of this thing means that that if it just comes very close to it's rivals, that might be good enough, all depends what you want I guess.

So am I going for a proper demo?  Not just at the moment, no.  If I go for a demo it will be at a time when I am seriously looking to purchase something at this price, I am not going to waste a dealers time just for fun.  Without going into too much detail, every penny I have is directed elsewhere just at the moment, but on my possible audition list for next year?  Most definitely.  Would be great fun putting this thing head to head with an Aurender N10, Melko N1Z etc.
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Computer Audio Design CAD CAT - by Confused - 10-Nov-2015, 22:20

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