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Devialet predictions for 2017 (The Devialet Almanac 2017)
(03-Jul-2017, 11:10)Confused Wrote: OK, we've made it to July '17.  Q2 is over as we drift into Q3, there is less of 2017 ahead than there is now behind us, not long until Christmas....

So what to report?  Yet again, not much really.  Or is there?  Arguably the most exciting Devialet related news this year came from a photograph of a piece of paper being held by Roon's Rob Darling.  The excitement being generated by the fact that the piece of paper included the terms 'Roon' and 'Devialet AIR'.  Much speculation followed, does this mean a partnership between Roon and Devialet?  Surly the new Devialet OS Board will therefore be a Roon RAAT end point?  If you want to relive the moment, see link:

(Rob Darling looks lovely, don't you think?) Shy

At this time there was much chatter on the Roon forum, which Rob Darling himself then promptly shut down, implying that he had spoken too soon.  It looked to many like the curse of Devialet NDA's and wall of silence approach had struck again.  All was quiet, and indeed still is.  Although there is some news, yesterday forum member Elztalbiker kindly posted a 'Devialet Partner' email, this advised a few more snippets of information, such as confirming AirPlay, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal and Qobuz compatibility etc.  Although no mention of Roon, but as others have mentioned, there are three little dots where a Roon logo might go.  The other big news here is an actual release date for the OS Board, October 17.  To be honest, I am cheating a little bit here, as Elztalbiker's post emerged in Q3, not Q2.  However, as the 'confirmed' date is October 17, this is of course Q4, so perhaps the big news at the time of writing is that there will be nothing much to report at all in Q3, we shall see.

That's about it I think, some minor firmware updates in both Expert and Phantom land, but noting that significant, no new product news or anything else.  Please chime in if I have forgotten something.

Or to some up, nothing of any significance has happened in Q2, and nothing much of any significance expected through Q3, but as always with Devialet, expect the unexpected........

Thanks for the updates, even if they are more just chugging along info, but the OS Board release date is handy. How would that be managed is everyone expecting to go to their dealer or send back to Devialet or is the new board a home fix? Just getting 130Pro this week so may have missed some info on this.

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RE: Devialet predictions for 2017 (The Devialet Almanac 2017) - by dan46 - 03-Jul-2017, 11:34

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