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Dirac and room correction software
(07-Dec-2014, 22:34)thumb5 Wrote: possible, rather than trying to fine tune for the best possible outcome.

I've since done quite a bit of work on integrating my sub-woofer more carefully, and have added the DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 which subjectively does a better job than Dirac of sorting out the sub-150 Hz part of the spectrum.  (Much as it pained me to add another box, it does mean the correction gets done for all sources without having to run software on a general-purpose computer.  As Kari pointed out in another thread, you can now buy a dedicated box from MiniDSP to run the Dirac correction software.)


Ian, not sure if you are still following this thread.  Do you still feel that the Dspeaker is more effective correting for bass than DIRAC? i've had a couple of people tell me that Dirac is more sophisticated and effective than DSpeaker - in almost all situations. 

Do you feel otherwise still?  Or can you comment on the strengths of Dspeaker vs Dirac software?  I'm actually thinkng of application for Phantoms. 


Messages In This Thread
RE: Dirac and room correction software - by MountainGuy - 04-Dec-2015, 06:14
Dirac and room correction software - by Krisp - 13-Jan-2016, 18:27

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