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Dirac and room correction software
You have a huge hump at 30 hz , no bass traps will cure that , the suckout you have slightly higher up the range , might or might not be that audible , suckouts in general are not as obtrusive as peaks.
you can "cure" the suckout by changing listening chair positions or run multiple subs to smooth the room response.
Not sure if the 60hz suckout is a destructive null or not , if its a destructive null , then any power you pour in to boost or correct it is of no effect
At any rate , thats where most bass lives and the suckout will limit the slam and impact of bass and affect lower mids too ..

1-3k hump is not too severe , however it is in the region where the ear is most sensitive and will give you a forward (and sometimes strident) sound , with a little excessive treble energy.
You already have DIRAC.. so manipulate the target curve to embody what you currently like (like the low treble hump) and correct what you dont.
Or just limit Diracs correction to the low bass...
Roon/tidal > Squeezebox touch  > Trinnov St2 or DIRAC (minidsp ddrc-22d) > Dual mono D premiers > Vivid Audio Giya G1 Spirits  ...fully treated  dedicated 6x8m room

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RE: Dirac and room correction software - by Rodney Gold - 10-Dec-2014, 07:19
Dirac and room correction software - by Krisp - 13-Jan-2016, 18:27

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