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Does Devialet produce "alive" music?
Based on your AirTight experience it sounds like the Vandy 5As need a lot of drive current to really come alive. You may want to try an additional D 220 to make a 440, which improves all levels of performance. Its a very easy reconfiguration and may give you exactly what you’re looking for. I use a 440 CI Pro and with Magico S1MkIIs it projects an extremely realistic recording venue acoustic, populated by what sounds like real musicians. The first overall impression is of live music, with all the thrill, excitement and involvement that live music typically generates, so the capability to deliver what you’re looking for is certainly there, but may need more drive to the loudspeakers to unlock it

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Does Devialet produce "alive" music? - by Alve - 04-Apr-2019, 13:32
RE: Does Devialet produce "alive" music? - by Blackmorec - 24-Jun-2019, 05:54

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