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Easiest way to get radio into Devialet?
Added the Chromecast Audio today.

What can I say, other than for £30 I'm amazed!

It was bought for the sole purpose of getting internet radio into the Devialet as you know, and without spending much dosh. I was a bit skeptical of it only as its Google, and they do good search but I always find their UI etc horrible. Plus by all accounts they're allegedly a tax dodging corporation who'd sell your personal data soon as look at you. Also, I'm an Apple household (not that they're much better these days).

Ignoring all that, it's still amazing! What a genius little device. Setup was simple, clever and a breeze, and I had TuneIn casting via iPad into Devialet optical input with about 3 minutes, including downloading the apps. oK 5 mins but that was only because I'd disabled all the optical inputs so needed to do a firmware change.

I hope Roon support this soon - for quick easy multi room where you don't much care about things like high sample rates and clock ownership, I can't think of a cheaper, simpler way to go.

I'm probably going to get a couple more for the bedroom and kitchen, whereas previously I was thinking along the lines of cubox/Pi when RoonSpeakers come out, which seems a bit overkill now.

Haven't really compared it to anything else sound-wise, but it certainly doesn't sound bad. And I've even got a linear USB supply to try with it. Wink (not what it was bought for, but why not)

Slightly missing Room Correction but doesn't matter too much.

Also, if I was using it for music generally, I'd probably find the Google/android centric-ness a bit annoying, but it does what I wanted it do really well.  Also I like the fact people can play music as guests even without attaching to your wifi. (Not tried it yet, assume that's more android centric too, but if not is a nice way to get visitors music into the hifi, or at a party etc)

I can see the future with a single controller like Roon, with radio, Room Correction, and multi-room to everything. For now, this does the job. Really well.

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<


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RE: Easiest way to get radio into Devialet? - by Hifi_swlon - 13-Feb-2016, 16:09

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