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Firmware 13.2.0 - DOS 2.2.6 for Expert Pro - Release note
SAM and EQ are quite different things. SAM is working on known parameters, the interaction between a given loudspeaker and the amplifier. The amplitude response of a speaker in a room is unknown to the amplifier, but needs correction. In the bass range in particular, below the so called Schroeder frequency of the room. The new EQ feature of Expert amps is a very nice addition. Of course SAM is much more advanced as it also deals with (electrical) phase, but it doesn't change the room/speaker interaction.

When I had a 250 Pro I used SAM, parametric EQ (in Roon) and a RC filter with time correction made in Audiolense XO (loaded in convolution in Roon). I'd prefer to run both convolution and EQ in the amp if it was available, to offload my Roon core. Now EQ is an option in the amplifier and I think many can benefit from it.
So the EQ function in the new firmware is not room correction as @Music or sound says. To be room correction it would need to correct both in frequency and time (acoustic phase) domain at the same time. Dirac does this. Audiolense XO, Acourate, Trinnov and others too.
Roon, ROCK/Audiolense XO/Music on NAS/EtherRegen/RoPieee/USPCB/ISORegen/USPCB/Sound Devices USBPre2/Tannoy GOLD 8
250 Pro CI, MicroRendu(1.4), Mutec MC-3+USB

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RE: Firmware 13.2.0 - DOS 2.2.6 for Expert Pro - Release note - by ogs - 09-Oct-2020, 10:53

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