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Firmware 13.2.0 - DOS 2.2.6 for Expert Pro - Release note
Hello friends,

Just experimented with the Room Perfect feature. However, unsure whether I am doing it correctly.

I've done three sweeps, both channels together, and smoothed the curves. This gives me the following:

[Image: 2jSivRP]

Is that a reasonable starting point. Subsequently, I did as given in but I did not get the link 'calculate target level from response'. So tried some clicks here and there and suddently got a file:

"EQ_1_L":[36.0, -12.0, 7.100],
"EQ_2_L":[4980,  -5.3, 1.400],
"EQ_3_L":[205,  -7.7, 2.500],
"EQ_4_L":[337,  -1.8, 1.100],
"EQ_5_L":[499,  -4.9, 4.500],
"EQ_6_L":[1110,  -7.1, 7.900],
"EQ_7_L":[138,  -7.6, 10.000],
"EQ_8_L":[91.6,  -6.7, 10.000],

To me, these frequencies are not really the bumps / drops on the graph, right, and no clue whether the other values make sense. The music does sound a bit dull and have the feeling I lost quite some details. Can someone help me out here?


PS: also have the feeling i need to turn the volume up more than before...

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RE: Firmware 13.2.0 - DOS 2.2.6 for Expert Pro - Release note - by Stino - 11-Oct-2020, 17:56

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