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Goodbye to Devialet - after upgrade program
not cool... not cool.. i have a d200 and i, too, is thinking of leaving the camp.

this is how devialet marketing does their business. in our hobby, most of us tends to sell our stuff in the future to try another one.. the moment you bought a devialet, you just got yourself into a money pit. after 2 years, that is if you are lucky to use your amp for 2 years because some didn't, devialet will introduce an "upgrade program" and asks existing devialet owners whether they want to upgrade which costs 50% of what they initially paid for. funny right? would you pay for another 50% of your initial costs to get your old devialet refreshed to be on par with the current ones. well, why 50%? does the actual upgrade cost, material and labor-wise really cost that much? more on that later...

devialet wants to control the pre-owned market. so you bought a devialet and decided not to upgrade? you will be left in the dark, new firmwares may not support your obsolete set, no support, not cool, you are alone and devialet will not love you. this is when things are no longer into the audiophile's point of view. this will now be a capitalist's selfish interests.

now, why upgrade cost's 50%? why not 30%? or maybe 20% as a means of reward for a loyal customer? because the moment the upgrade program is launched, your devialet immediately lost it's value by more than 50% if you want to sell it.. no matter how old it is. that is the devaluation rate set by devialet. why? because the new current product will be priced close to how much you bought your obsolete set when it was still the current. so they want to make money on new sets sold, and the obsolete sets upgraded.. otherwise, do you want to sell your set at a giveaway price?

simply outrageous.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Goodbye to Devialet - after upgrade program - by noblewolf - 11-Oct-2016, 05:09

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