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My set up
How things change, currently my Devialet 400's are boxed up, the speakers are packed away well protected with covers.
Brought a pair of HiFiMann HD650SE head phones driven by a Mass Drop THX AAA789 headphone amp, Raspberry pi4 with Allo Digione Signature hat with Shanti psu. The rest of the kit is the same.
The reason is space and family living in.
Soon my son and his lady are to move out vacation the attic room which i originally converted for my dedicated music room.
Then with a redecorate, good thick pure wool carpet, it will be ready. Will take some time shifting the speakers around and introducing sound traps etc as needed. The room is 3.6mts wide, 9mts long and up to 4mts high.
So heres to the future.
TOYS:- Devialet 400, PS Audio Perfectwave Transport, Melco N1A, Boenicke W8's, cabled throughout Chord Signature tuned aray. Intel I7 NUC Roon Rock/Tidal.
Mains supply, dedicated consumer unit, 5Kw balanced transformer,
. plenty of IFI accessories, Melco Ethernet cables, Townshend isolation throughout, All furutech mains cables.
Recently added. PS Audio PP5, Townshend Audio 5 tier Seismic table.SBooster psu for NUC,

Messages In This Thread
My set up - by TheFactsOfLife - 05-Oct-2016, 11:52
RE: My set up - by TheFactsOfLife - 15-Jun-2018, 13:16
RE: My set up - by TheFactsOfLife - 05-Dec-2018, 18:12
RE: My set up - by TheFactsOfLife - 19-Sep-2020, 16:39
RE: My set up - by ICUDoc - 19-Sep-2020, 23:51
RE: My set up - by TheFactsOfLife - 22-Sep-2020, 10:00
RE: My set up - by ICUDoc - 23-Sep-2020, 05:57

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