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Optimal sample rate and bit depths for Devialet Expert
Many thanks for your responses. I also agree with Confused's remarks. The quality of the source material will make the most difference, after this probably your room acoustics (I am going to try room correction via convolution at some point, and would love bass traps, but struggle to integrate them into our family living room!), and then the type of input/streamer used.

What I have gleaned from the feedback is that when dealing with PCM it's probably best just to supply the Devialet at the PCM files native rate and let the Devialet do it's magic - for me this will be CD/Redbook 16/44.1. So there would be no point in selecting your network streamer to upsample beyond the files native rate - is this correct?

For DSD64 I guess there is no point to discussion anyway since it always gets converted to 40bit/384 kHz pcm. Then we're really into the discussion of which file format sounds best (DSD vs PCM), which was not really the intent of my question.

If my understanding is correct, then you've saved me a lot of time playing around upsampling to PCM, upsampling to DSD and also various filter options as available with HQPlayer as Confused has.

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RE: Optimal sample rate and bit depths for Devialet Expert - by stretchneck - 18-Sep-2017, 14:47

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