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Phantom white vs silver + general impressions
I have one white Phantom now a few day and I compared it direct with my D120/Athoms GT1.

My first impressions are:

- first installation with the Dialog was not without bugs; I had to start the update process three times until it has worked;

- the Phantom has very deep bass, but with SAM (100 %) the Athoms aren´t far away (for such a small speaker great !), and perhaps a litte bit more unobtrusive than the Phantom; I think two Phantoms could be too much;

- in a direct comparison (also with only one Athom) the Phantom acts a little but dull; the mods and highs from the Athoms are more precise and detailed; in quieter songs with just a few instruments the difference is easy to hear (I asked my wife in a blind test and she could immediately hear the difference out - she´s not an audiophile ;-))

- in an one to one comparison the three-dimensionality seems to be better with the Athom (I think in a stereo-stereo comparison with two speakers on each side it would be similar);

- both have a got dynamic and are fast;

- Spark is better than I tought - no real problems. So the functionality speaks clearly for the Phantoms if you first purpose is wireless streaming and no USB connection (until AIR is so buggy as it is today).

So for the moment (perhaps I get a second Phantom for further tests), the Phantom seems to be a very good second system, but I am not sure if is good enough to replace my D120/Athoms as my first system.

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RE: Phantom white vs silver + general impressions - by midi - 16-Jul-2015, 19:34

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