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Power Filter Advice for a Dev 200 pls?
Hi folks.

I don't want to be boring but you should give the PS AUDIO powerplants a try as well.

Once you have seen the measurements on the display of the larger PS AUDIOs yourself you will understand the results much easier. And if you hear the difference it makes in a nice DEVIALET setup you will soon be convinced, too.

My friends and I use these powerplants in all of our DEVIALET setups and the SQ improved a lot. In former times we have tried other "classical" filters as well but nothing worked so nicely in every setup under all kind of conditions like the PS AUDIOs do.

We have compared expensive rhodium power lines with the PS AUDIOs too but we all prefer the powerplants for SQ reasons (despite the high prices).

Besides, we swear on FURUTECHS 50-series rhodium power plugs and the matching wall sockets. The benefit is normally really huge.

Finally I would like to mention that I live in Germany and maybe the subject is special because of the SCHUKO-plugs we use. Some say we "suffer" also from the lots of alternative "green" power we are supplied with nowadays.....

In Dubio Pro Audio


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RE: Power Filter Advice for a Dev 200 pls? - by Gentleman - 03-Jan-2015, 01:22

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