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Hi dear fellas,
I received one week ago my so long awaited sabrinas.
After spending 3 months without speakers( the venere 2.5 were sold to add funds to the sab 's purchase).
What can i say? I a m a bit frustrated cause i m not "really" hearing , or feeling what i heard in the listening room of my dealer.
Actually 3 main factors are frustrating me actually!
The first one is : did i suspected so much from sabrina that now i m kind of deceived!
The second one: the fact i stayed 3 months without any system affected my judgement and appreciation.
The third one: did my room acoustics is affecting more the sab s ?
Could t be the combination of these 3 factors!
Ok , let me be clear: the sabrina are sounding very good in my room now!But i only bought them because they sounded so amazingly wonderfull!Extremely transparent , highs very extended without harsh, mids lovely( voices are amazing), and.... and ... the icing on the cake is the base SO ,i expected the same in my livingroom!!
The base is enveloping, controlled, deep, precise.....
When i first listened to them in my livingroom i thouht they were amazing , then ,hours and hours after i m still searching for that extra special emotion!
By the way ,i m still searching and experimenting speaker placement .
I think one time ,during one of my session i was laughing,such they sounded alive and dynamic , but happened only one time
With my venere2.5 i was listening confortably at -20db , now i feel i need -16db for sabrina to come alive and really sing.
To conclude, the only think now that is annoying me the most is the bass: i tried sam 100%, sam off ,20%,50% so far 100% is on. It is there but , i know it should be better extended, and deeper, lower..
I m just writing this to share my experience so far with sabrina, and relieve my conscience from thousands questions.
My dealer said to pass by next week for speaker placement help, so let s see.
Honestly , i m suspecting my room acoustics affecting the sound , specially the side wall waves!!!

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R U STILL AMAZED BY YOUR SOUND SYSTEM???? - by samsoum - 10-Apr-2017, 00:23

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