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Spark is so awful - I hope Airplay is coming
Great thread Smile. A little story from a newbie to the modern world below
I have always been a vinyl nut and bought the Phantoms with no intention of that changing - but now I realise the benefits of streaming from my phone with so little difference in SQ - I am seriously thinking of packing my records and TT away for the time being!

Anyway - not being a streamer at heart I have been happily putting up with Spark Tidal on my phone and all its shortfalls - being blinded by the magic of it all!

Then came Spotify connect - and I noticed just how much better the software is. 

Then I realised I could actually stream the main TIDAL App to my Apple TV or Airport and into the dialogue. Again the main Tidal App makes mincemeat of the Spark app - looks wise and functionality.

I have now worked out if I put dialogue optical onto "auto detect" and into my optical switch with TT / Apple TV / Sky Box plugged in ...... I think I need never open Spark at all?

Spotify goes straight to Phantom
Tidal goes to Apple TV (which doesn't even need switching on as it auto detects the stream) then is auto detected by dialogue

It's a shame they don't just add Phantoms as a source in the Tidal App like in Spotify, then I wouldn't need my Apple TV or Optical in the chain. 

I could then get rid of my Optical switch (as I have done with my Bluetooth receiver now Sporify connect is there) and just plug my skybox into dialogue - and swap for my TT on the odd occasion. 

So either AirPlay (if SQ isn't compromised) or Tidal to Phantom direct would make it all Perfect for me

And to add to the list of Spark Tidal issues - after the last update I don't see the track name on the "now playing" bar at the bottom - only artist

And only one play queue / no playlists / no favourites 

So I am one happy Devialet customer - but am beginning to understand all the fuss about Spark now I am starting to use the other apps!

On a final positive note - since the last couple of updates I and toggle between optical and Tidal seamlessly without crashing the system. Before I had to careful to pause one source before starting the other...and even then....


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RE: Spark is so awful - I hope Airplay is coming - by Jamington2004 - 11-Feb-2016, 12:03

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