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Suspended Floor and Speaker Isolation
Every room will have nodes and antinodes , areas where bass waves clash and combine to a peak or clash and combine to a trough .. a suckout
The room being square and small makes this worse , thats what the resonance and boom is .. rather than the floor
don't waste your time on the floor .. cure the nodes

The best way to cure them is also free , sit in a neutral position (10x more effective than moving speakers) if you can

if you cant change the sitting position

My suggestion is to try parametric eq

download a trial of J river

Use the DSP studio in it , the parametric eq

Use a Q of 2 , use -6db attenuation and slide the centre frequ from 30-100 hz as you listen in your chair
You will soon hear where the boom is and how effective the eq is at removing it

Ideally you want to buy a Umik-1 calibrated mic ($80) and use REW room eq wizard (free) to measure at listening show you exactly where the peaks are so you can correct them
Roon/tidal > Squeezebox touch  > Trinnov St2 or DIRAC (minidsp ddrc-22d) > Dual mono D premiers > Vivid Audio Giya G1 Spirits  ...fully treated  dedicated 6x8m room

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RE: Suspended Floor and Speaker Isolation - by Rodney Gold - 12-Feb-2016, 10:41

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