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I have connection problem with blueray!
Hi I'm phantom silver user from korea!
I have one problem.
I connected two silver phantoms to dialog and I connected oppo blueray to dialog.
When I play music on my ipad or with dezzer, there's no ploblem.
But if I play blueray, The sound came out quite well from devialet but sometimes there's a few noise like cheeee-- for about 2sec.
But I think it's not because of oppo. Because I tried to connect also goldmund, arcam and samsung blueray. And there was also same problem sadly.
So Is there a anyone who connected phantom to blueray ? And how's yours??
There is a known noise issue with the optical input on the Dialog, Devialet will probably fix it in the next firmware update. Try to use an optical input on one of your Phantoms and see if that helps.  
Living room: Kii Three/BXT with Control.
Den: Tannoy Precision 8 iDP with TS112 iDP subwoofer.
In the cupboard, waiting for a sibling: 1st gen. Phantom Silver running DOS1
My Phantom Voyage
What is the music format on your Blue Ray Disc ?
I ask the question because, when I want to use my Phantom for listening a film soundtrack coded in DTS Master Audio it won't work due to the limitation of the bitrate of the optical cable. Only a HDMI port would work. It's a well known Issue.
So I'm bit puzzled when one's listen BlueRay with Phantom....

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