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Very positive user review of the 220
My 220 upgraded from 120 has now been playing for about 100 hours and hearing music has become an emotional experience again.
Bass is much deeper and at the same time clearer and now really "punchy", it just tears me into the music and makes me smile... 
Even more important with my electrostats the highs are now not harsh any more, just right, maybe even more on the warm side of neutral. Pianos are marvelous.
Voices and mids were quite laid back and not as clear as with the 120 in the first hours, but this has already changed, now being present and more emotionally involving as before.
I also can confirm a slightly wider and considerably deeper soundstage.
All this doesn't need high volumes any more, every detail is now easily audible at -35 where I needed at least-25 before.
Altogether my 220 brings me back to celebrate music again!  Upgrade for me is worth every penny.
220 PRO/CI, Martin Logan Montis, HMS Gran Finale MK II, FritzBox 7590, Audirvana via USB, Tidal Hifi, - South Germany

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RE: Very positive user review of the 220 - by devi63 - 20-Oct-2016, 21:17

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