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Vivid Audio 1.5SE vs SF Olympica II?
I currently have the Sonus Faber Olympica II but have been more and more intrigued by the Vivid Audio 1.5SE speakers. Price wise they are the same. I did not hear one until last Thursday at my dealer. They seem to be more open and to disappear more. My concern is the base response in comparison to the Olympics IIs. The dealer demo room is so much different then my own that this is impossible to compare. The only good choice of course is to audition the 1.5s at home.

But before doing so I thought there are probable some on this forum that have experience with both.
The Olympica IIs have a larger cabinet and a side ways facedbass reflex where as the Vivids have a smaller cabinet and front faced bass reflex but specs wise they have the same range.

Does anybody have experience with both and can share there opinion? Would this be a good upgrade over the Olympica's?
Devialet 220 Expert Pro CI | Sonus Faber Olympica II | Crystal cable speaker cables, interlink and power cables | ROON Rock on Intel NUC | Netherlands

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Vivid Audio 1.5SE vs SF Olympica II? - by iamwappie - 06-Oct-2018, 17:37

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