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Where are the PRO reviews and ads?
I think Devialet has not lost so much interest in the pro series but have postponed the marketing campaign for PRO/CI -board after the quite desasterous „launch“ in November.
I remember the CEO‘s letter in November with a couple of announcements which didn’t happen in time including a press release in late Nov., which is still pending.
Now they seem to have become more realistic, work feverishly to improve the software and simultaneously start the advertisement campaign, maybe in order to prepare some reviews. I assume the official press release will come not before we have a first official CI software.
All together, after loosing the christmas buisness they seem to have gone back to work and to be more prudent regarding announcements and scedules. And hopefully they replaced some heads in their software development team...
220 PRO/CI, Martin Logan Montis, HMS Gran Finale MK II, FritzBox 7590, Audirvana via USB, Tidal Hifi, - South Germany

Messages In This Thread
Where are the PRO reviews and ads? - by devi63 - 28-Mar-2017, 21:37
RE: Where are the PRO reviews and ads? - by devi63 - 18-Jan-2018, 20:11

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