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Yet another Dual Mono Configuration Glitch!
Just wrote to Devialet, an angry mail to say the least!

I just realized that we are part of a big beta tester gang or what else can I relate all the flaws that constantly show up or the weak response from Dev when we have issues with software etc or for the fact that the homepage is 'full' of missing facts, facts that are faulty (according to officials), hard to orientate, and like me getting thrown out at several occasions when configuring or even get a message saying I can't change settings as these are not mine etc etc.
I would say that the technology (and sound) behind this gear is great but the support and maintenance is crap. As I mention above, we are beta testers that paid some considerable cash for this and I am not impressed. They should pay us instead because I didn't go into this to become a beta tester. I was promised forefront products through new technology (it happened), new free upgrades and a cont' work with new and better functions.
Just take my last discovery, and what others also discovered, SAM, nothing about how to operate this on the homepage...

Ex D400 Now Aavik U-300/Feickert Woodpecker2-Kuzma 4P-Kondo silver-Benz LPS-Teddy Pardo PSU/Naim Unitiserve-Teddy Pardo PSU/SF Guarneri Homage/Whole system decoupled by Ansuz DTC/Cables from Ansuz, DYI and other commercial/Dedicated mains and spur-Lampizator SILK

Messages In This Thread
RE: Yet another Dual Mono Configuration Glitch! - by Mikeeo - 11-Dec-2014, 02:29

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