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Yet another Dual Mono Configuration Glitch!
I am using Windows 7 and Chrome. I select D800 and then work on the Master from left to right, selecting my options, since some of them disappear when the AES/EBU is selected at the link input on the Companion. I then save the files directly to folders on my PC, having a folder named to indicate what the config is, and subfolders for Master and Companion. I save the master file first by right click, save link as, then go to my selected master subfolder. I then hit the back arrow on the browser and save the companion file to its folder in a similar way. Sometimes the graphics are corrupted, but the file always seems to save OK. Of course it sometimes saves as as a version (1) for the companion, but I correct that manually. Then I copy to well labelled SD cards from my folders. I then power both amps off at the wall, insert the cards and plug in again, so that both come up at the same time on the new config.

I have used this to create a master/companion linked by RCA with one digital input enabled on the companion, plus one with the link to the AES/EBU on the companion. Both worked first time, and gave me what I had selected.

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RE: Yet another Dual Mono Configuration Glitch! - by smokejumper - 15-Dec-2014, 16:54

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