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dialog to play from ethernet external drive
dear all, first thread from very layman not understanding various acronyms and app names I see on this forum. I did quite a bit of search and could not find an answer for what I expected to be a very simple request: have Dialog play content stored on an external hard drive. I have several tablets and smartphones running Spark and don t want to have to have my music on these devices hence the question on the hard drive.

I have Dialog and dual phantom, and Spark installed on several tablets and phones. Spark is v 1.11.1 and is supposed to support UPnP since very recently hence the difficulty to find relevant posts. I have activated UPnP for Dialog in Spark.

If I connect the HD via USB on the Dialog, Spark shows no content. And while I see Dialog as a media player on my home network I don t see the HD.

If I connect the HD via USB to my router I see it and can access it from my ethernet network but Spark/Dialog does not see it.

I saw on Devialet web site that one should be able to achieve what I want (though not very clear) with that new UPnP support provided one has 1. a NAS or simple external HD, 2. remote access (which I don t understand where and how to put, look like SW to run on PCs but the whole point is to not need anything else but HD and Spark on some mobile devices), and 3. renderer which are the Phantoms.

Any help? many thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
dialog to play from ethernet external drive - by jmwismer - 12-Nov-2017, 09:21

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