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moderate budget suggestions for turntable + additional optical source setup
I've got two Phantom Golds, still running the original (v1) firmware + Spark.  Currently, I have just one input, a computer in a closet with the sound card running optical directly to one Phantom.  I also have an old B&O Beogram RX2 turntable, which I'd like to hook up to the system.  I'd like to accomplish this on a relatively moderate budget, say ~$200-300 range. 

I'd like to keep the number of additional boxes small.  So I was thinking a phono pre-amp with a toslink output, and some sort of optical switch.  The former seem to be pretty rare, though.  In my price range, I've only found the Pro-Ject Optical Box E, but it doesn't get stellar reviews:

An alternative plan would be to buy a new turntable with built-in preamp for ~$400-ish, and sell the Beogram to make up the difference.  But turntables with an optical out seem to be pretty rare, too.  And they're often lacking comfort features that my Beogram has, like an automatic tone arm (important to me), and being able to change the speed without jumping through a bunch of hoops.

Any suggestions for a solution that won't break my budget, and will sound reasonably good?
I've used a regular RIAA and a reasonably priced A/D-converter to solve the issue with no analogue inputs. The Cypress DTC-4n sounds fine and outputs 24/48. It would add an additional, but very small, box to your setup though. The price is about $50.

Another solution is the Parks Audio Puffin with toslink output. It's well over your budget, USD 640, but it sounds great, can be used with both MC and MM pickups and have a plethora of settings and adjustments if you like tweaking. If you don't want to tinker, just ignore the advanced settings, it sounds great right our of the box. The software is continuously developed and new features added. I can wholeheartedly recommend it, I sold my Gold Note PH-10 with external PSU after buying the Puffin and I have no regrets.
Living room: Kii Three/BXT with Control.
Den: Tannoy Precision 8 iDP with TS112 iDP subwoofer.
In the cupboard, waiting for a sibling: 1st gen. Phantom Silver running DOS1
My Phantom Voyage
I'm sorry I can't really help since I use a Project Essential II Digital that would fit your budget but not at all your "comfort features". In turn I am very interested to discover this preamp you have presented and that would allow me to use my old (but cherished) Technics SL 1210 MKII.
Devices :
2 Gold Phantoms (previously 2 Silver) + Dialog - Denon DCD-SD/300 -
Project Essential II Digital equipped with Ortofon 2M Blue,
Accessories :
Tree, Cocoon, Remote

Lyon - France
Although it is currently indicated as out of stock, you may want to look at an Arch from Devialet.

MacBook Air M2 -> RAAT/Air -> WiFi -> PLC -> Ethernet -> Devialet 220pro with Core Infinity (upgraded from 120) -> AperturA Armonia
Thanks for the replies (and keep 'em coming). And yeah - I'd looked at the Puffin (from the "Phantom+turntable+sonos" thread on this forum) and the Pro-ject Essential, but noticed the downsides that you guys mentioned, with respect to my particular needs / budget.

I came across the Arch as well, but I'm not willing to give devialet any more of my money at this point. The phantoms sound great, but their other hardware (dialogue, remote) and software / firmware have been a huge headache, and customer service a nightmare.

Another possibility that's occurred to me is a turntable with a USB output, which seem fairly common - but I have yet to identify a good solution for converting the USB to toslink. Given that my other audio source is a computer, I suppose there might be a software solution there. (Bonus, I'd get to keep my single-source setup, and not need an optical switch.) I am not enough of an audiophile to anticipate if there are opportunities for sound degradation in this case, but maybe since it's all digital, not much to worry about?
I wouldn't rule out the Arch if i was you. Had one small hickup initially, but has worked flawlessly since. Must say sound is really good as well, compared to a setup with quality external RIAA and analog to toslink converter. I use a heavily modified/upgraded Rega RP40, with a Goldring Eroica H MC.

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