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CuBox Project X

For buffer size I use 65536...

The optimisations should work partly especially the realtime thing (chrt command) due to less number of cores.

I use an e-sata connected SSD for playback so I use MPDroid on my phone or Theremin on Mac for playback.

Devialet does not use/need the USB power so I would take away the ifi power and use just the data side of Gemini cable straight between RPi2 and Devialet.

Another suggestion (I dont know how it will respond on RPi2)
install HTOP for easy process management (apt-get install htop)
run it and kill everything which does not make sense (not the mpd or upmpdcli threads but especially anything with php5 and avahi (you will not be able to reach the web interface until the next reboot)
stop the squeezelite as well if you wont be using it for your listening session.

also run
renice -n -15 -g $(pidof mpd)
to make it a rude (!) application.

Anything goes wrong, just reboot.

Here is a screen shot of my HTOP screen after optimisation
Kii Three, dCS Network Bridge, Roon Nucleus, Kuzma (Stabi S, 4Point), Soundsmith StrainGauge, Stromtank, Echole Cables 
Istanbul, Turkey

Thanks for all this information. Most of it is above my head. I ran the optimization lines by putting them in /etc/rc.local, but I don't know how to tell if they're working. I also put renice -n -15 -g $(pidof mpd) in there.

Here's a screenshot of htop. The only thing I've killed is a avahi task


I thought the 200 needed 5v power for the "handshake" between the computer and the 200 but after that the power could be cut. I'll try it how you suggest and see what happens.

Edit: you're right the 200 doesn't need the power from the usb. I'm now powering the RPi2 with the ifi iusb and using the Gemini music only leg straight to the 200.
Looks like the realtime thing is not working in your case.
chrt -pfa 99 $(pidof mpd)

and in htop try to see RT on PRI column at the mpd entries. This is a huge upgrade to the sound.
Kii Three, dCS Network Bridge, Roon Nucleus, Kuzma (Stabi S, 4Point), Soundsmith StrainGauge, Stromtank, Echole Cables 
Istanbul, Turkey
Hi guys, I am in the process of setting up a CuBox to see if I can get it so sing as well as you say. Anyway, going through various souces of input, I found this that may be useful for someone else too. Further tuning of network etc.
QNAP TS219P II/ TIDAL-Hifi > Roon@mac-mini > AIR3-Cat6 > Devialet 250 > Audience AU24 SE > Gallo-3.5Ref (w/ SAM)
Hi guys...

Quick update to whom it may concern...

I just moved to another setup with my Cubox where I am now using HQPlayer upsampling. Here is how:

MacMini running HQPlayer from ramdisk, reading files from another ramdisk, upsampling everything to DSD
> Good Etnernet cable
> PPA Clock modified ethernet switch with battery power supply
> Good Ethernet cable
> Cubox running NAA (Network Audio Adapter) with battery power supply
> Good USB Cable

(Geoffrey Armstrong has a script to use HQPlayer pretty easily with iTunes. (

Best sound I heard so far... by far...

Kii Three, dCS Network Bridge, Roon Nucleus, Kuzma (Stabi S, 4Point), Soundsmith StrainGauge, Stromtank, Echole Cables 
Istanbul, Turkey

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