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Dirac and room correction software
(02-Dec-2015, 14:09)Confused Wrote: Does Dirac work correctly with AIR?  (or as correctly as anything works with AIR, at least)

Perfectly. It works perfectly with AIR wireless and ethernet. No problem at all on Mac OS 10.10
Dirac (via Flavio @ CA) have said they will release an update for OSX soon to deal with the USB re-connection issue, so now I'm really happy….

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<

(07-Dec-2014, 22:34)thumb5 Wrote: possible, rather than trying to fine tune for the best possible outcome.

I've since done quite a bit of work on integrating my sub-woofer more carefully, and have added the DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 which subjectively does a better job than Dirac of sorting out the sub-150 Hz part of the spectrum.  (Much as it pained me to add another box, it does mean the correction gets done for all sources without having to run software on a general-purpose computer.  As Kari pointed out in another thread, you can now buy a dedicated box from MiniDSP to run the Dirac correction software.)


Ian, not sure if you are still following this thread.  Do you still feel that the Dspeaker is more effective correting for bass than DIRAC? i've had a couple of people tell me that Dirac is more sophisticated and effective than DSpeaker - in almost all situations. 

Do you feel otherwise still?  Or can you comment on the strengths of Dspeaker vs Dirac software?  I'm actually thinkng of application for Phantoms. 

I have used the dspeaker anti mode 2 and now I use DIRAC....
I prefer dirac , its much more accurate as it takes 9 measurements and it also corrects for speaker imbalances on a channel by channel basis and corrects impulse response .. not only does bass improve , but imaging etc ... I use it full freq.
Dspeaker is much easier to use tho.. but its also almost double the Dirac price
At any rate , either is fantastic.
Roon/tidal > Squeezebox touch  > Trinnov St2 or DIRAC (minidsp ddrc-22d) > Dual mono D premiers > Vivid Audio Giya G1 Spirits  ...fully treated  dedicated 6x8m room
There is also the APL1S
Looks like it needs more manual hands on than Dirac though.
PMCs back in situ this morning after a bit of faff with spikes/levelling etc.

Oh they sound so good after the Neats, even with no EQ. The clarity and bass depth is back.

I'm so excited about setting them up with Dirac this afternoon.

Please don't let it be crushing disappointment......

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<

(05-Dec-2015, 13:54)Hifi_swlon Wrote: PMCs back in situ this morning after a bit of faff with spikes/levelling etc.

Oh they sound so good after the Neats, even with no EQ. The clarity and bass depth is back.

I'm so excited about setting them up with Dirac this afternoon.

Please don't let it be crushing disappointment......

I am keen to hear about your experience too.
Devialet 200 -- Roon Nucleus-- Sonus Faber Olympica 2 -- Tellurium Q Black Speaker Cables --
Chord Qutest -- Niimbus US5 Pro Headphone amp —HifiMan HEK, Abyss 1266TC
Newcastle upon Tyne, England
(04-Dec-2015, 06:14)MountainGuy Wrote: Ian, not sure if you are still following this thread.  Do you still feel that the Dspeaker is more effective correting for bass than DIRAC? i've had a couple of people tell me that Dirac is more sophisticated and effective than DSpeaker - in almost all situations. 

Do you feel otherwise still?  Or can you comment on the strengths of Dspeaker vs Dirac software?  I'm actually thinkng of application for Phantoms. 


That's a difficult question to answer, because it's a long time since I tried Dirac and I have only a distant memory of how it sounded.  I didn't buy a licence after the trial, mainly because I felt it would be a nuisance to only have the room correction when playing music via my computer.  The DSPeaker was the easier solution to work with from a practical point of view, and I didn't do a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to compare them, really.  By the way, I did also look at the MiniDSP Dirac boxes which are quite appealing as well but the DSPeaker had a more flexible i/o configuration.

To follow up some of the points Rodney made about Dirac vs DSPeaker: the AntiMode 2.0 also has the capability for calibration based on multiple points (they call it "wide area" calibration), and you can add as many points as you want.  That's separate from the ability to calibrate for distinctly different listening positions, generating different profiles.  It also does full-range correction, although I haven't tried that and don't know the technical details of what corrections it can perform.  As Rodney said, both DSPeaker and Dirac do a good job and are pretty reasonably priced (in my view at least).
Roon (Mac Mini), Wilson Benesch Full Circle, Expert 1000 Pro CI, Kaiser Chiara
Warwickshire, UK
A couple of new sets of measurements taken with the Facts (with and without SAM), much to the annoyance of the household, and particularly the cat….

Measurements posted below.  Hard to do a direct comparison, as the Neats were taken last week with slightly different methodology, incorrect calibration file, and me in the way(!).  Even for two Fact graphs, differences might not only be SAM, but also you can never get all 9 mic positions remotely the same unless you're dedicated to a level beyond what I'm doing here.  Hopefully the first (hero) measurement was in pretty much the same position.

Neats (posted before)

Facts - No SAM

Facts - with SAM 20%

Too early to say for sure, and too little time to post and explain…… More later when I get time….

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<

A bit more curve tweaking and listening, and I might be falling back in love.

A few tracks from the 'Drive' soundtrack just sublime.

Hopefully have more time to play tomorrow or in the week.

>>> 1st Place Award: Devialet, last decades most disappointing technology purchase.  <<<


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