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BBC Proms to Phantoms
The BBC is transmitting this year's Proms at CD quality over the internet in DASH format.  As far as I can gather the only way to receive this is via Firefox.  My problem is how to get the music stream from Firefox directly to my Phantoms.  I have Spark running on the same computer.  (Computer does not have Bluetooth.)

I can solve this by feeding the computer ear-phone output to the analog in of my Sonos system which is optically connected to my Phantoms.  Sounds very good, even with the various format conversions, but there must be a better way.  Any suggestions?

In the end I doubt whether I shall notice any difference from the BBC Radio 3's 320AAC HLS stream which I receive through my Sonos.
Much discussion here:
Bluetooth's audio quality is respectable these days, but if you're looking to preserve FLAC quality then probably you would not want to go that route.

Why not get a soundcard with an optical out, and send that to your Phantom?
Thanks for your responses. I did follow up the link and others, but I have not found what I am really needing, and my experimenting has come to nothing. To be honest, I am very happy with the 320 AAC stream. It is good enough for my 75 year old ears!

I doubt if FLAC over bluetooth would be any better than 320 AAC via Sonos. I do use the iPlayer radio from my iPad over bluetooth to my Phantoms and it sounds very good.

In time Sonos will probably be able to deal with music streamed via DASH, maybe even Phantom (joke).

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